Live a life with integrity, even when no one is watching
Integrity is a very powerful vibration that keeps us in check and in alignment with our moral compass, our values. Living a life with deep integrity, even when no one is watching, is a principle that...
New Year’s resolutions versus realistic promises
Another year gone by, 2025 is here. The ideal time to hit the refresh button, let bygones be bygones, accept that we may not have accomplished everything we had hoped for last year, and with keen...
End-of-year blues: A common phenomenon
Endings naturally bring about grieving. As 2024 comes to a close, the common phenomenon known as the “end-of-year blues” tends to surface. This feeling manifests in various ways, including...
Cash rich but life poor - finding abundance in balance
The writer is a Master Life Coach and an NLP practitioner based in MuscatIn our ever increasing money driven world that often equates wealth with happiness, the notion of 'cash rich yet life poor'...
Slow down to speed up for a productive, happier life
In this era of fast-paced notifications and instant gratifications, the mantra of “doing more in less time” has become the norm. If we are not busy doing things, going places, seeking the next...
Small daily steps leads to long-term mastery
In our fast paced world which often glorifies monumental achievements, we frequently overlook the profound impact of taking small steps. However, the power of incremental progress lies at the...
Great leaders are forged during dark times
During life’s turbulent times, we can easily falter and fumble. Conversely, pioneers and innovators often rise from challenging and chaotic periods.When the shadows loom large, the characteristics...
Resilience doesn’t just mean being strong
Resilience is often misconstrued and associated with “being strong”. Frequently celebrated as a hallmark of robustness, a badge of honour, an unyielding and unwavering ability to withstand...
Focusing on our blessings during times of sorrow
This unpredictable journey of life, intricately woven by moments of joy is also interspersed with periods of sorrow. The weighted ever-consuming occurrences can easily be devoured by anguish and pain....
Opinion- Control fear before it controls you
With our planet under stress and lives riddled with so much uncertainty, a natural subsequent knee-jerk reaction is to flee in fear, overtly attempting to escape the craziness that often surrounds the...
A reminder of the importance of our breath
Breathing is an unconscious, automatic process we rarely put thought to, yet it is the foundation of life and plays a crucial role in our physical and mental well-being.What we often take for granted...
Holiday from a holiday, post-vacation blues
Holidays are a perfect getaway, a great fix to revitalise the soul to shift and kick-start the old energy into fervent rejuvenation. The best prescribed antidote away from the daily routine, holidays...
Living a life with integrity is our moral compass
Living a life with integrity is a commitment to one's values and ethics, regardless of external observation or validation. It is the cornerstone of a life guided by moral principles and authentic...
Minimalist and mindful travelling for maximum fun
In an era characterised by relentless schedules and consumerist tendencies, mindful and minimalist travelling offers a refreshing alternative. It allows us to focus on the things that truly matter...
Travel to enrich the body, mind and soul
We all know taking short breaks throughout the day helps us to change our thoughts and shift perspectives, which enables more optimal productivity and creativity to flow.It’s equally as important to...
Moving on after the death of a loved one
Moving on after the death of a loved one, is one of the most dense and challenging experiences life can make us endure.It involves a profound journey of bereavement, adjustment, healing and...
The struggles of feeling like an imposter
Imposter syndrome is a psychological state that the majority of us have faced at some point throughout our lives. It occurs when we doubt our abilities or accomplishments and have a fear of being...
Mid-life crisis: From confusion to clarity
Life is a journey marked by various stages and one of the most tumultuous periods is the infamous mid-life crisis. This phase, typically occurring between the ages of 40 and 60, is characterised by a...
The analysis paralysis of indecisiveness
Indecisiveness, the chronic inability to make decisions, is a hurdle that affects various aspects of our life. Whether it's choosing between two job offers, picking a restaurant for dinner, which...
Declutter for a more harmonious life
In today’s fast-paced world, clutter seems to accumulate effortlessly. From physical possessions to mental baggage, clutter can certainly weigh us down. By embracing the practice of decluttering, we...