Are ‘good morning’ WhatsApp messages boon or bane?
THESE DAYS, COMMUNICATION has evolved dramatically, with platforms like WhatsApp becoming integral to our daily interactions.However, one particular phenomenon that has emerged as a source of frustration for me at least...
I ‘WOKE’ up like this!
It’s graduation time...
Women-led entrepreneurship is flourishing in Oman
Ramadhan reflections find a place in digital
Boosting inner peace while fasting
An international day for autism
Twenty-somethings: knowing everything...
An economic voyage at dusk
The selfish algorithm
Are you a volunteer or a social worker?
Oman’s economy shows remarkable improvement
How is your Ramadhan?
Human trafficking: What’s in a name? Context, semantics and perspective
Social media: Be a little afraid
Escaping overparenting trap