The physics that keeps a crowd from becoming a stampede
Every July, at the opening ceremony of the San Fermín festival signaling the imminent start of the running of the bulls in Pamplona, Spain, more than 5,000 people cram into the city’s central plaza. Participants...
How close are the planet’s climate tipping points?
Can stress turn your hair gray?
Disease trackers set their sights on pets
Can dirt clean the climate?
How healthy are tomatoes?
Scientists propose warming up Mars as first step to make it habitable
Saudi Arabia to host HALO Space’s test flight
Will AI kill meaningless jobs?
These nutrients can strengthen aging bones
How healthy is sweet corn?
Why you don’t need to exercise every day
Japan scientists make smiling robot with 'living' skin
How (and why) to test your sense of smell
What your heart rate can tell you about your fitness
Black hole observed 'awakening' for the first time