BARKA: The second day of the OCRF Sword Festival, which is organised by the Omani Camel Racing Federation under the supervision of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Youth and with the support of Occidental Oman, held 17 rounds, including 15 rounds for the ‘Lagaya’ category, 3 years old, female 'Al Abkar' and male 'Al Jadan' for a distance of 5 km.
The prizes were dagger and SUV car for the first three rounds and the next three rounds with car, and nine rounds remaining with cash prizes.
Also, there were two runs for the human riders for a distance of 2 km, with prizes of dagger plus cash for the winner and cash for top ten places.
Hamid bin Ali al Zari, Director-General of the Royal Camel Corps, handed out the prizes to the first place holders.
The competitions started early in the morning with fun and excitement races (tradition races) with the human rider for 2 km, where the first round snatched the dagger and the cash prize by Amer bin Saeed al Owaisi by 'Alshahinya' when race distance covered in 3:13. In the second round, 'Dndana' for Amer Salim al Zari won the race with time of 3 minutes and 17 seconds.
In the first round, 'Bilsan' for the Royal Camel Corp, coached by Hamad bin Mohammad al Wahibi, won the dagger and SUV car and in the second place came 'Tired' for Al Bashayer camels, under the coach Hamid bin Mohammed al Jahafi, and thirdly came the 'Al Bashayer' for Al Bashayer camels, led by Hamid bin Mohammed al Jahafi.
In the second round, 'Ariam', owned by Sultan bin Ghuthi al Ghufaili, snatched the dagger and SUV car. The dagger and SUV car for the third round was won by 'Raad', owned by Saud bin Hamad al Jadili.
And grabbed the first place and the car in the fourth round, 'Hawajis', owned by Al Hamdi bin Salem al Dari. In the fifth round, 'Hawail' for Hamad bin Salem al Jadili won the first place and the car.
As for the sixth round, 'Remas' for Hilal bin Abdullah al Shaidi won the first place.
The seventh round witnessed the victory of 'Al Dhabi' for Ali bin Salem al Wahibi, the first place in the eighth round was won by 'Marmuqa' for Mohammed bin Ahmed al Wahibi.
In the ninth round, 'Reman' won the first place, owned by Abdullah bin Said al Ghufaili. 'Alsrya', owned by Hilal bin Saud al Dari, was the hero of the tenth round.
In the eleventh round, 'Shawahin' won the first place for Salem bin Nasser al Badri. As for the twelfth round, 'Moazem', owned by Hamad bin Ali al Wahibi, won the first place.
In the 13th round, Badr bin Salem al Junaibi took the first place, by 'Qootna'. The first place in the fourteenth round was won by 'Nood' for Al Abed bin Ali al Zari.
In the last round, 'Shaheen' won for Saud bin Ali al Jabri.
The Wednesday's competitions will include 13 runs distributed between female 'Al Abkar' and male 'Al Jadan', where nine rounds are allocated to the 'Elydaa' category 4 years old, for 6 km. Also there are two rounds for 'Al Thanaya' category, 5 years old, for 8 km, and 2 rounds for 'Al Houl' category, above 6 years old for 8 km.
On Monday’s competitions, allocated for old categories in 13 rounds, ‘Elydaa’ category, four years old, male ‘Al Jadan’ and female 'Al Abkar', for 6 km in 9 rounds, the four main rounds with prizes of car and remaining five rounds with cash prizes for the winner. Also there are two round for ‘Thanaya’ category, 5 years old, male ‘Geadan’ and female ‘Al Abkar’ for 8 km with prizes of dagger and cash for the winner. In addition, there were two round for ‘Al Houl’ category, above 6 years, male 'Al Jadan' and female ‘Al Abkar’ for 8 km, with prizes of dagger and cash for the first place. The top ten winners will get cash prizes in all 13 rounds.
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