Thursday, February 06, 2025 | Sha'ban 6, 1446 H
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COVID-19 defiance, climate change extremism, and BLM. Really? Now?

Ray Petersen
Ray Petersen

It is 2020, and tens of thousands are dying all around the world, and yet we still have groups and individuals around the world intent upon thrusting their particularly obtuse agendas upon us. Why?

Here and now, make no mistake, we are in a fight for survival, yet in our own communities throughout the Sultanate the level of non-compliance with COVID-19 directives from the Supreme Committee is nothing short of atrocious. Not wearing masks, wearing masks on chins, wearing masks not covering the nose, taking part in large gatherings, participating in small and family gatherings, visiting grandpa and grandma, aunties and uncles, and still having kiddies birthday parties and celebrations.

These things are going on all around me, and it is taking all of my fortitude to stay quiet, as both Lena and I have suffered at least at least dismissal (no problem!), indignation (who are you to tell me?), ridicule (who cares?) and even abuse (we may not understand the language, but tone and manner are easily translated), for requesting those around us to wear their masks properly, or to social distance, on the rare occasions we do venture outside our house. This is appalling!

Reluctantly, for the very first time since COVID-19 befell us all, I must reflect that while we have made all the right moves in fighting the threat, it is clear that in not seeking full and complete compliance from the entire population, we have proven to be unsuccessful. It is certainly not our fault, but in hindsight, now, it is easy to say that having consequences for non-compliance is one thing, using them is yet another. They must surely be disappointed that our appeals to the populace on the grounds of common decency, and common understanding of the threat, have fallen upon largely deaf ears. What is newly disappointing is the actions of a few in promoting, advocating, supporting the rejection of the masking policies that are keeping many of us safe, therefore alive!

Do these people not understand the daily death toll, the numbers in intensive care, or the number of new cases? Have they emerged from their fascination with the idea that COVID-19 (which has killed tens of thousands in India and South America alone as a global conspiracy or an ‘irrelevance?’ Have they also found a new place ‘to land,’ after the 5G link has been so clearly discredited? They are causing greater stress, distress, and loss of life with their half-baked, untested, burbling theories full of contradictions, and I am so upset.

I don’t force my opinions or beliefs on anyone else, because I believe it is bad manners, or ‘poor form,’ to do so. I will discuss my stance, beliefs, opinions, and even theories with anyone, but to take a quantum leap from having one’s own opinion, and even advocating it, to ramming it down someone else’s throat is tantamount to assault!

Looking beyond COVID-19, we have climate activists parading and protesting. With Piers Corbyn and Greta Thunberg the most prominent names. I care about the environment, but like millions of others, I will do my bit in a practical manner by de-littering beaches and streets, picking up rubbish someone else has discarded, and binning it! That subtlety may be lost on they and their ilk however.

We also have the spectre that has unfolded in the United States particularly, of the Black Lives Matter movement, their identification, disorder, and confrontation. Of course, black lives matter, but so do brown, pink, yellow, and white! And by seeking separatism through colour, by highlighting their issue through the medium of colour, they create a rod for their own back. Looting and militarism have invoked hostile reactions and muted much of the empathy your true cause has garnered...and really... is this... now... the time for all this?


Ray Petersen - -

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