Sunday, February 16, 2025 | Sha'ban 16, 1446 H
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Bus routes of Mwasalat will be reviewed, including the subsidy system

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Muscat: There are several initiatives to raise the level of the public transport system in the country, including in the governorates, according to the Ministry of Transport and Communications and Information Technology (MTCIT).

Speaking to the Observer, Eng Khamis bin Mohammed al Shamakhi, Undersecretary for Transport, said, "We have an agreement signed with Al Dhakilyah and there are similar plans with two other governorates."

The ministry is planning to review the Muscat and inter-city services operated by Mwasalat and a tender will be awarded to an international consultant to conduct a thorough study.

Al Shamakhi said that all routes of Mwasalat in the capital will be reviewed, including the subsidy which will be decided by the government for each route as part of the improvement plans.

The study will focus on bus route analysis, scheduling, ridership data, and service coverage; as well as the intercity network coverage and cost.

The consultant will be responsible for analyzing demographic and geographic data to identify areas of potential growth and need for additional service in alignment with the structure plans, including the one for Greater Muscat and other cities, that mobility and transport data and analysis.

This evaluation will involve a comprehensive analysis of potential routes, including the identification of key destinations, stops, service frequency, Omanization, fleet age, added value elements.

It may be noted that the Muscat Master Plan includes provisions for high-speed trains, tunnels (to connect the suburb of Amerat), and walkways for pedestrians.

The average speed of vehicles in Muscat is currently 56 km/h and with the increase in population in the coming years the average speed may drop further.

The government has also floated a tender for the request of investment bidding from local companies and specialized investors for the development and management of shelter yards for land transportation in lands owned by the ministry.

Agreements have been recently provided for the development of the central public transport station in the Wilayat of Nizwa.

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