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HM, Jordan King express pride over depth of ties


Muscat: His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik and King Abdallah II of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan have expressed their pride over the status of deep-rooted historical relations binding Oman and Jordan.

The two leaders also voiced their keenness to develop these relations and consolidate mechanisms of cooperation in various fields, with the prime objective of achieving comprehensive integration.

This was stated in a communiqué issued by Oman and Jordan on the occasion of a state visit of His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik to Jordan. The communiqué reads as follows: “In consolidation of well-established fraternal relations binding Oman and Jordan and, in response to an invitation from King Abdallah II, His Majesty the Sultan made a state visit to Jordan on Wednesday and Thursday.

"His Majesty and King Abdallah II held a session of bilateral discussion, followed by an expanded meeting that included members of the two delegations. A spirit of amity prevailed during the sessions in a manner that reflects the deep-rooted, historical and fraternal relations that bind the two brotherly countries. Various aspects of bilateral cooperation between the two countries were reviewed during the sessions, which also covered ways to enhance cooperation between the two countries and meet the aspirations of the two brotherly peoples.

"His Majesty expressed his congratulations to King Abdallah II on the occasion of the Kingdom’s celebrations of the silver jubilee of King Abdallah’s assuming his constitutional powers. The two leaders expressed their pride over the level of deep-rooted historical relations between the two countries and their keenness to develop these relations and consolidate mechanisms of cooperation in various fields, with the prime objective of achieving the desired comprehensive integration.


"The leaders commended the level of cooperation achieved by the two countries after the visit of King Abdallah II to Oman in October 2022. They also praised the outcome of the 11th session of the Jordanian-Omani Joint Higher Committee which was held in July 2023, headed by the foreign ministers of the two countries, following mutual visits by officials in the two countries.

"The visits dealt with steps to expand the fields of investment, trade, industry, free and industrial zones and the steps taken in several vital sectors, including pharmaceutical industries, mining, communications and information technology, real estate development, and other sectors. The two leaders underscored the significance of developing bilateral cooperation in various fields, notably in sectors related to Jordan’s Economic Modernisation Vision and Oman Vision 2040. They also stressed the need to implement the agreements, memorandums of understanding and executive programmes signed between the two countries and measures to realise these moves into practical steps that reflect positively on the interests of the two brotherly countries. They also underlined the importance of intensifying communication and exchanging visits between various stakeholders in the two countries to help explore new opportunities and expand their potentials.

"On the sidelines of His Majesty's state visit, a memorandum of understanding (MoU) was signed by Oman Investment Authority (OIA) and Jordan’s Social Security Corporation, represented by the Social Security Investment Fund (SSIF). The MoU was aimed to explore joint investment opportunities and establish new projects in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

"Within the context of ongoing coordination and consultation between the two countries, the two leaders discussed ways to enhance joint Arab action aimed at addressing current issues and emerging challenges and serving Arab issues.

"They reaffirmed that he Palestinian cause assumes a central status among all other issues. In this context, they stressed the necessity of reaching a just solution to the Palestinian cause that ends the occupation and fulfils all the legitimate rights of the brotherly Palestinian people.

"They welcomed the decisions made by Norway, Ireland and Spain recognising the State of Palestine, describing this move as a significant step forward for peace leading to the two-state solution and the establishment of an independent, sovereign Palestinian State with Al Quds Al Sharqiyah (East Jerusalem) as its capital, and in accordance with the relevant international resolutions and the Arab Peace Initiative. They affirmed that this is the only way to achieve a just, comprehensive and lasting peace in the region.

"The two monarchs discussed developments in the ongoing aggressive war on the Gaza Strip. They stressed the need for the international community to assume its responsibilities to stop this war. They urged the Security Council to adopt a resolution to impose an immediate ceasefire, protect civilians, ensure the delivery of humanitarian aid to the stricken areas, by all possible means, and prevent further escalation.

"The two leaders also laid emphasis on the need to continue providing the necessary support to the Palestinian Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees, UNRWA, to enable the international agency to carry out its indispensable role in accordance with its UN mandate. In the meantime, the two monarchs expressed their rejection of anything that might lead to the expansion of the war regionally. They warned against the grave consequences of a ground attack on the city of Rafah.

"The two monarchs also expressed their rejection of attempts to separate the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem, noting that all these parts constitute an extension of the Palestinian State. They also rejected any attempts to displace Palestinians from their land and warned against the persistent and dangerous measures undertaken by Israel in the West Bank and the occupied Al Quds (Jerusalem), as well the escalation of attacks on Palestinians and humanitarian aid convoys.

"The two monarchs stressed the necessity of preserving the existing historical and legal status of the Islamic and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem. His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik expressed his appreciation for the efforts of King Abdalah II in assuming custody for Islamic and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem and securing the preservation of their historical identity.

"On this occasion of the state visit of His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik to Jordan, the two monarchs exchanged honorary orders (medals).

His Majesty the Sultan decorated King Abdallah II with the Order of Al Said (Wisam Al Said), which is the highest Omani medal. The conferment of this Order reflects His Majesty the Sultan’s pride over the depth of bilateral relations between Oman and Jordan and the strong ties of fraternity binding the peoples of the two countries. King Abdallah II presented His Majesty the Sultan with the Order of Al Hussein bin Ali, the highest Jordanian medal. The award portrays pride over the deep-rooted historical relations binding the two countries.

"At the conclusion of the visit, His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik expressed his sincere appreciation to King Abdallah II for the warm welcome and hospitality extended to His Majesty and his accompanying delegation in Jordan.”

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