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Prepare societies for artificial intelligence

 Dr Abdullah bin Nasser Al Harrasi, Minister of Information, with Jaber Harami
Dr Abdullah bin Nasser Al Harrasi, Minister of Information, with Jaber Harami

MUSCAT: In an exclusive interview with Qatari newspaper Al Shraq, Dr Abdullah bin Nasser al Harrasi, Minister of Information, discussed key topics that will be addressed at the upcoming Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) meeting of information ministers in Doha. This meeting, crucial for its timing and agenda, aims to tackle issues pertinent to the media landscape amidst global challenges and technological advancements.

During the interview conducted by Qatari journalist Jaber Al Harami, Dr Al Harrasi highlighted that the meeting will focus on strengthening cooperation among GCC countries in various media fields, including electronic media, radio, television, news agencies, and international media. The Palestinian issue and the ongoing genocide in Gaza will be a significant point of discussion, emphasising the need for a prudent media approach to achieve unified goals. He noted the importance of safeguarding Gulf identities amid global cultural and social trends that pose risks to regional identities.

The minister stressed the significance of preparing societies for the wave of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies that are set to transform media work. He urged that this topic be studied promptly to harness its benefits and mitigate its potential harms.

Dr Al Harrasi pointed out that despite perceived decline in joint media projects and programmes among GCC countries, effective cooperation still exists. He cited examples of media professionals participating in television and radio programmes across the GCC, indicating ongoing collaboration.

Addressing the current state of media in the GCC, Dr Al Harrasi emphasised the diversity of media content, ranging from economic and social to cultural media. He underlined the importance of freedom, responsibility, and professionalism in media work, advocating for a balance that allows freedom of expression within a framework of responsibility and professionalism.

The minister also reflected on the challenges facing traditional newspapers in the Gulf, noting their decline due to economic pressures and the rise of new media platforms. He stressed the need for newspapers to adapt to modern technologies to stay relevant and maintain their audience. Support for newspapers should focus on helping them transform to meet contemporary demands while preserving their rich history and quality content.

Dr Al Harrasi expressed confidence in the role of Gulf media in preserving regional identities. He highlighted efforts in Oman to promote cultural and historical content through various media channels, ensuring the protection of national identity. Partnerships with external media platforms are crucial to ensure that broadcast content aligns with Gulf values.

He addressed criticisms of the Gulf's media landscape, asserting that the region values freedom of opinion and expression. The minister highlighted that Omani media, for example, welcomes diverse opinions and critical views, including criticism of the Ministry of Information itself.

Dr Al Harrasi discussed the global media's handling of the Gaza conflict, noting an initial bias towards the Israeli narrative. However, he observed a shift in Western media, driven by elite and academic circles, towards a more balanced view reflecting the Palestinian reality. This change, he believes, stems from a growing awareness of the contradictions between Western ideals and policies.

The minister called for Arab media to engage with Western audiences effectively, using a language and style that resonate with them to enhance understanding of Arab issues. He underscored the importance of supporting Western media's awareness of the injustices faced by the Arab region.

In conclusion, Dr Al Harrasi reaffirmed the strong bilateral relations between Qatar and Oman in the media field, citing effective cooperation and contributions by Omani journalists and writers to Qatari media. He praised Al Jazeera's significant role in covering the Gaza conflict, which he believes has contributed to changing global awareness about the Palestinian issue.

Dr Al Harrasi remains optimistic about the future of Gulf media, calling for enhanced scientific and cultural media content to foster deeper understanding and awareness within the region. He stressed the importance of unified strategies among GCC countries to address and repel various external challenges effectively. — Compiled by Badr al Dhafri

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