Sunday, June 16, 2024 | Dhu al-hijjah 9, 1445 H
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Airfares skyrocket during likely long Eid al Adha holidays

The soaring airfares may benefit domestic tourism although the majority preferred to travel abroad
The soaring airfares may benefit domestic tourism although the majority preferred to travel abroad

Airfares have risen manifold in view of the likely nine-day-long Eid al Adha holidays beginning the third week of June, spoiling holiday plans. A one way fare to a South Indian state of Kerala is nearly RO 120, three times higher than the off-peak period. Fares have further shot up due to cancellations of many Air India Express flights due to mass leave by employees.

"I had to reschedule my holiday plans due to exorbitant rates and lack of sufficient services to north Kerala," an expatriate employee in Muscat said.

As per the lunar calendar, the first day of Eid al Adha, in all likelihood, falls on June 17 and June 16 would be the Day of Arafah, another holiday. In the event of Eid holidays ending on June 19, the only day left in the week is Thursday (June 20), which will most likely be another holiday. As these holidays are preceded and succeeded by weekends, a long Eid holiday is awaiting the people of Oman and many have begun to plan holidays accordingly.

"Air fares have shot up in view of the long holidays as people would start booking as soon as airlines open it," says Mohammed al Mukhaini, a holiday planner in Muscat.

Of all the sectors, fares to India's Kerala state are the highest ranging between RO 120 to RO 140. A ticket on Oman Air after June 10 is RO 150 and for Salam Air, it is RO 120.

The soaring airfares may benefit domestic tourism although the majority preferred to travel abroad. Oman has a diverse range of tourist destinations, starting with world heritage and ancient archaeological sites, to dozens of forts and castles, to mosques, souqs and dhows, which provide a unique holiday experience and taste of the rich history and culture of Oman.

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