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A 14-year old trader makes waves in Al Aqr Wall's shadow


Thuraiya Al Bahri

Muscat, Feb 20

Nestled within the ancient walls of Nizwa, where time seems to stand still and history whispers its tales, lies a remarkable young merchant whose story is as captivating as the storied walls that surround him. In the shadow of the illustrious Al Aqr Wall, which bears witness to a rich history extending over a thousand years, Auf bin Abdullah bin Zahran Al Awfi, a mere 14 years of age, is making waves with his entrepreneurial spirit and unwavering determination.

The Al Aqr Wall stands proudly as a testament to the era of Imam Alslt bin Malik Al-Kharusi, its towering presence a symbol of resilience and endurance. Built over seven years, this historic landmark has weathered storms and stood the test of time, a silent witness to the passage of centuries. Despite facing damage, the wall was meticulously restored by Imam Sultan bin Saif and later by Bawariq Nizwa International Investment Company, preserving its legacy for generations to come.

Today, amidst the restored splendor of the Al Aqr Wall, Auf's entrepreneurial journey unfolds. Inspired by his family's traditions and guided by his father's wisdom, Auf embarked on his commercial career just a year ago. Beginning with humble trades in toys and food during Eid celebrations, Auf soon found himself drawn to the halwa industry, working alongside his father in the creation of Omani sweets. Recognizing his son's innate leadership qualities and keen business acumen, Auf's father entrusted him with the management of their latest venture – Maqlay al Hara.

Opened on January 8th, coinciding with the unveiling of the restored Al Aqr Wall, the Maqlay al hara quickly became a beacon of innovation and creativity in Nizwa's bustling market scene. With his sharp intellect and eloquent demeanor, Auf proved himself to be a natural-born entrepreneur, captivating customers with his Mojito – a refreshing concoction that soon became the talk of the town. Moreover, Auf possesses the skill of serving freshly Turkish-style ice cream, and as a master of Maqlay al Hara, he sells meat and bread with honey alongside various beverages and freshly made ice cream.

But Auf's journey to success is not merely defined by his entrepreneurial ventures; it is also shaped by his dedication to education and personal growth. A student at the Smart Student School in Nizwa, Auf's academic excellence is matched only by his proficiency in both Arabic and English – a testament to his commitment to knowledge and learning. Additionally, his three-year studying of the Quran at the Al Qala'a Mosque has instilled in him a strong sense of discipline and moral integrity, qualities that serve as the cornerstone of his character.

As Auf continues to carve his path in the world of commerce, he remains steadfast in his belief that success is born from humility, hard work, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. To his peers, he offers sage advice: start small, dream big, and never underestimate the power of perseverance. For in the ancient walls of Nizwa, amidst the echoes of history, lies the promise of a brighter future – one that Auf bin Abdullah bin Zahran Al Awfi is determined to seize with both hands.

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