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OJFA welcomes Japanese delegates to Oman

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MUSCAT: The Oman Japan Friendship Association (OJFA) recently welcomed 14 high-level delegates from Japan in Oman. The visit is part of Oman and Japan celebrating close to 50 years of diplomatic ties.

Established in January 1974, the Oman Japan Friendship Association passionately strives to promote the warm relationship between Oman and Japan in the field of culture, society, economy, arts and science.

During the visit, the Japanese delegates were all praise for the renowned Omani hospitality that they received wherever they went. They even lauded the passionate efforts of the tour guides team from National Travel & Tourism (NTT), who helped them gain deep and interesting insights about the rich heritage and culture of Oman. Extremely delighted with their overall experiences in Oman with NTT, they even rated Oman’s popular Travel & Tourism agency’s services as being at par with world-class standards.

To offer an exceptional and memorable visit to Oman, a detailed itinerary was specially prepared by National Travel and Tourism (NTT) which included a tour of Muscat city, a visit to the Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque, Al Nahda Dunes, Jabal Akhdhar, Dhow Cruise, Dolphin Watching and a special visit to the Amouage Perfume Factory.

Speaking about the deep-rooted bonds between Oman and Japan Mohammed Saud Bahwan, Chairman, Oman Japan Friendship Association said, “Japan is very close to me. I have been involved with the country in one way or another for many years. The relationship between Oman and Japan has been incredibly fruitful and characterised by depth, reliability and trust. It is about much more than economics and trade; it is a strong and special relationship. The joint efforts of Oman and Japan have offered numerous avenues for mutual development in diverse fields. These include diplomacy, economy, investment, trade, culture, sports, arts and more.”

Sharing their thoughts on the visit to Oman one of the delegates said. “We have been eagerly looking forward to visit Oman and personally experience the famous Omani hospitality. Oman is indeed a very beautiful country. It is blessed with so much natural beauty. Even the people of Oman are so warm and friendly. We will definitely be coming back to experience more of this beautiful nation.”

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