Saturday, July 27, 2024 | Muharram 20, 1446 H
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Winners of the Sultan Qaboos Award announced


Three winners of the annual Sultan Qaboos award for Culture, Art, and Science were announced on Wednesday.

Harith Mohammed al Battashi has won Sultan Qaboos Award in the field of Omani heritage realization, Alden Theatre Troupe won in the field of 'Theatrical Troupes', and Muna Hibras Al Suleimiyah in the field of 'Essay.'

According to the Sultan Qaboos Higher Centre for Culture and Science, the award currently in its 9th edition deals with different cultural works and writings in the field of humanities and social knowledge in general such as language, history, heritage, philosophy, translation, and intellect studies.

The annual award, which was established under Royal Decree No 18/2011 to recognize excellence in culture, arts, and literature, also deal with various forms of music, fine art, sculpture, and photography, besides various literary works such as poetry, novel, short story, literary criticism, and drama productions.

"Sultan Qaboos award for culture, art and science is the result of royal thought toward intellectual and cognitive accomplishment, underlining the historical role of the Sultanate as a peace-loving nation and its interest in cultural awareness as the most important link in peace progress of civilization of mankind, supporting glorious intellectuals, artists and writers," a statement from the Center said.

Each winner will receive RO 50,000 for their excellence in the chosen field beside a citation and other perks.

Consolidation of accumulated knowledge process, instilling authentic values, and passing it to the younger generations is the motto of the award which will be announced under the auspices of Habib Mohammed al Riyami, Head of the Center today.

These awards further aim to recognize efforts in the fields of art, culture, and science as a way to promote cultural and human progress, and contribute to the movement of scientific development and enrichment of the intellectual.

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