Monday, June 17, 2024 | Dhu al-hijjah 10, 1445 H
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RNO Organizes Rousing Reception for Shabab Oman II After International Voyage


Muscat: The Royal Navy of Oman (RNO) organized an official reception for the vessel (Shabab Oman II) at Port Sultan Qaboos here on Sunday, after the sail ship’s return from an international tour during which it participated in races and festivals.

During the tour, Shabab Oman II visited many international ports and marinas as part of its sixth international voyage themed “Oman, the land of Peace” to the European continent.

The voyage was made in implementation of the Royal orders of His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces.

The ceremony was held under the auspices of His Highness Sayyid Taimur bin Asaad al Said, Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Central Bank of Oman (CBO).

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The ceremony was attended by ministers, SAF commanders, members of the State Council, senior officers of the SAF and other military and security departments, governors, ambassadors accredited to Oman and military attaches at the embassies of Arab and friendly countries.

Shabab Oman II is Oman’s envoy of friendship and peace that roams world countries, offering strong presence for Oman through its active participation in all the international festivals.

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During its latest tour, which lasted 196 days and covered a distance of 16,805 nautical miles, the vessel dropped anchor at 25 ports in 18 countries. It sailed through 30 terminals, with 63 trainees onboard.

As many as 172,235 visitors boarded Shabab Oman II, which organized several mobile exhibitions while on the move.

Along the way, Shabab Oman II participated in the Long Sail Ship Races and bagged many prizes.

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