Saturday, July 27, 2024 | Muharram 20, 1446 H
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Youth’s act of bravery saves boys from drowning

Video grab showing Ali bin Nasser al Wardi saving two kids in Bahla on Saturday.
Video grab showing Ali bin Nasser al Wardi saving two kids in Bahla on Saturday.

An incident would have ended in disaster but for the act of bravery of young man Ali bin Nasser al Wardi. His quick action ended in the rescue of two boys stranded in a wadi in Al Dakhiliyah Governorate on Saturday.

Due to Ali bin Nasser al Wardi’s heroic act, the two children were rescued. Even though it was difficult for Ali to balance while locking in his arms two children aged 13 and 8 years, he swam to safety, beating the heavy current.

Speaking to an Oman newspaper, Ali said, “The wadi was strong, but the rescue was necessary.”

The rescuer of two children said, “I encountered the children in a panic state, and I took the risk to save them. I was in a state of fear, but it got over because the children were afraid. We used a rope with the help of my father and brother, which was tied around my waist. Thus I went down into the wadi and thank God we could save the children.”

The current was extremely high, making it tricky while treading back to the bank. When they arrived near the bank, others stepped in to pull them out.

Ali bin Nasser al Wardi
Ali bin Nasser al Wardi

Meanwhile, a driver in a four-wheeler who tried to cross the wadi hardly began his crossing when the powerful rush of water turned the vehicle around and soon took its path.

Fortunately, the vehicle swayed a little closer to the bank and got stuck. The occupants of the vehicle were lucky to make it safely to the land, crossed the wadi by foot by holding hands to withstand the push of the strong current.

The driver has been fined for attempting to cross the wadi and for endangering the life of co-passengers. The fine for crossing wadi is RO 500.

Meanwhile, the Royal Oman Police has sent an alert for road users of Adam-Haima to be cautious as the horizontal visibility was affected due to the rise of dust as well as the formation of a dust storm.

There is a dust and sandstorm alert for Adam, Yaaloni, Sunainah, Haima, Marmul and Qarn Alam

Oman Met Office has reported that there are chances for local cloud formations bringing in sporadic rains and sometimes thunderstorms accompanied by active winds in the mountainous areas of Al Dakhiliyah, North and South Al Sharqiyah.


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