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Avoid being on a state of panic


After the Corona pandemic, people are more stressed and reactive than ever, so you see some of them are more emotionally volatile, more prone to strong negative emotions and often end up in confrontations that you prefer to avoid ,perhaps with the people you love. Was that emotional reaction—when emotions are unstable in response to the stresses of normal life—increased during the pandemic?

From here, perhaps the best advice I can give is to tell you: Do not panic! On the other hand, we must know that panic states may occur with a certain frequency and at the present time it is an opportunity to understand the phenomenon in ourselves and learn how to better manage our emotions. If we do, we will be equipped with a skill that helps us be better friends and parents, even when the pandemic is just a distant memory.

However, that emotional flood, if can call it , may be an automatic physical and mental response to an unexpected negative reaction on the part of another person, usually someone close, to what we might consider a threat. It is true that emotional outbursts have helped people in an era to survive, but it is unable to adapt to most modern interactions. For instance, Interactions with our families are now rarely considered a threat. No father has ever slept before and said: I wish I had screamed more at my children today!

Thus, this leads us to search for the secret, which lies in managing your emotions so that they do not manage you! Perhaps the most important point, as mentioned by social scientists, is to be aware of your feelings and monitor them as impartially as possible, so that you are less impulsive and more in control.

Hence, in moments of intense tension and difficult emotions, all of this requires training and being aware of it. For example, it requires allowing the time to pass between your feelings being raised and your feelings being expressed. This will give a step back into your executive mind and a chance to choose your reaction rather than fall into that panic or emotional reaction. Perhaps there are several practices to avoid this, including for example: When you get angry, count to ten, before you speak, this in one way or another reduces your aggression. And to manage feelings too, one must notice them as if they were happening to someone else. In this way, one can understand and let those feelings disappear naturally instead of letting them turn into something destructive.

On the other hand, be aware that your passions are like home improvement: you can educate yourself, but it’s best to get some help when the job is particularly challenging. If the emotional flood is more like a crack in the foundation of the house, you might consider getting some professional help in the form of therapy.

In the end, Whether you’re achieving that emotional control on your own or with therapy, learning to be a student of yourself is the most important step to becoming emotionally healthier and avoiding a lot of regret. So, next time someone upsets you, you’ll be able to manage your emotions professionally.

Dr Yousuf Ali Al Mulla is a physician, medical innovator and a writer.

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