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Indian IT giants set high hiring target for 2022


Fresh information technology graduates have bright chances of getting jobs in leading IT companies as most of them have set new recruitment targets for the current year. The Covid-19 pandemic boosted demand for digital skills and talent due to market demand for innovative ways to address day-to-day requirements in every sector.

"The year 2020 was really bad due to the sudden outbreak of the pandemic. Job-seekers in the IT sector were staring at a bleak future because many companies had freeze recruitment and many had started laying off employees. From a total uncertainty, demand for IT solutions increased. Every sector had a demand for customised services, and during the peak of the pandemic, we were running short of skilled IT graduates. So 2021 saw a boost in recruitment which is likely to boom in 2022'', said Alok Kumar, an IT expert from the IIT in India.

The best thing that happened during the process was opportunities for students studying in remote areas, who otherwise were in the shadow of big institutions like IITs and others. Many of them got placed in IT companies, for which they were not prepared. Some additional courses helped them boost their career, and in most cases, the courses were sponsored by recruiting companies where they wanted them to work as per their own module from the very beginning.

It was a digital shift. In recent years, hiring in the IT sector saw an unexpected surge. In fact, the country's four major IT service providers, Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), Infosys, Wipro and HCL Technologies, employ more than one-fourth of India's total workforce, recruited around 120,000 freshers in FY22, said a report in News18.

As per the trend, these IT companies will provide jobs to more than 300,000 people by the end of this year.

Going by the recruitment reports, TCS recruited twice its target last year. It had planned to recruit some 40,000 fresh graduates but ended up hiring 100,000. India's largest IT company, TCS, targets to recruit 40,000 freshers in the current financial year.

Last year, Infosys did almost double the target with 85,000 new appointments last year, while it has a recruitment target of 50,000 new graduates this year. "With demand for new solutions, Infosys is set to exceed the target'', said some IT experts.

Wipro and HCL are also on the same lines. Wipro has set almost a double hiring target of 30,000 in the current financial year, while HCL, which recruited 17,500 IT engineers last year, has a target of 45,000 recruitments this year.

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