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Local community contractors win contract extensions from PDO

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Petroleum Development Oman (PDO) on Monday, March 21, 2022, signed contract extension agreements with several Super Local Community Contractors (SLCCs), which reflects the great success and the maturity achieved by these companies in the oil and gas sector.

The signing took place at the Oman Convention & Exhibition Centre during Oman Petroleum & Energy Show (OPES), which was inaugurated by His Highness Sayyid Taimur bin Asaad al Said, Chairman of the Central Bank of Oman Board of Governors. The prestigious event is organised under the auspices of the Ministry of Energy & Minerals and hosted by PDO.

The contracts extended with Al Baraka Oil Services, Shawamikh Oil Services and Al Sahari Oil Services are to provide well maintenance services.

PDO External Affairs and Value Creation Director Eng Abdul-Amir al Ajmi said: “The importance of this event lies in the fact that it establishes a new stage for SLCCs which have reached a high level of merit and efficiency in their various areas of operations. These contracts will contribute to providing these companies with high-tech electric hoists in order to reduce their environmental impact and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.”

The Company also signed the second contract with Sakan Facility Management, an SLCC consortium, to build an integrated station to provide land transportation services for employees working in the concession areas.

Eng Al Ajmi added: “The signing of the contract to establish an integrated station for land commuting to serve the employees of the concession areas is part of our efforts to reduce traffic accidents and raise the level of safety, to which PDO attaches utmost importance.

“This extension comes as an affirmation of PDO's continued efforts in maximising the economic benefit for the local communities in which it operates and increasing the value retained within the national economy.”

As part of PDO’s support to SLCCs and their continuous growth, PDO has recently awarded additional hoists to Al Baraka Oilfield Services and Al Shawamikh Oil Services bringing the total for each company to 10 hoists.

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