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Over 600 job-seekers vie for 43 vacant jobs in Al Buraimi and Al Dhahira ‎ ‎


IBRI: In response to the Royal attention His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik is giving to the employment dossier, and his continuous affirmation that employment of Oman youth is a top national priority, the Ministry of Labour on Monday conducted interviews and tests for job-seekers in Al Buraimi and Al Dhahira governorates, at the University of Technology and Applied Sciences in Ibri.

Salim bin Khalfan al Wuhaibi, head of the government interviews and tests committee at the Ministry of Labour, said that 627 national job-seekers from Al Buraimi and Al Dhahira governorates are vying for 43 vacant jobs at the public sector. They underwent a 30-minute e-tests comprising 30 varied questions in the specialization field, general culture and mental skills.

Al Khalil bin Muhammad al Khalili, said: “I applied for a job as a civil engineer at the Ministry of health -praise be to God - I passed the test. The testing methodology was excellent and the questions were easy and straightforward. There were also questions in the field of specialization in addition to questions of intelligence and culture. The test environment was convenient.”

Al Khalili expressed his thanks for the government of His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik who, he said, supports the Omani youth and makes it easy for them to join the labour market.

Sumaya bint Salem al Khasibiya, said that she had passed the electronic test conducted as part of the conditions for appointment in the job of accountant in one of the government institutions in the governorates of Al Dhahirah and Al Buraimi. The e-test comprises questions in the field of mental skills and specialization, as well as general questions. She added that the exam method followed by the Ministry of Labour, is excellent and marked by transparency and clarity, especially that the results are announced soon after the completion of the electronic test.

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