Saturday, July 27, 2024 | Muharram 20, 1446 H
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‘Covid Batch’ is no less smart

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Students of all ages are the most misunderstood lot during the pandemic that has created a new divide of pre-corona students and students during corona. Out of this has emerged a ‘Covid Batch’ of students. They either got promotions to superior classes or wrote their exams with the hope of promotion to the next level.

For no fault of theirs, they are in a situation in which they cannot go to schools and colleges, missing friends and campus environment, and are constantly under the supervision of their parents.

On top of it, their educational standards are doubted due to learning through online mode and even writing exams in an online setting.

Clinical psychologist Mini Joseph called for understanding for these students who do not have proper outlets to express, play, laugh and share their emotions with friends and teachers.

“This is a tough time for them. They are young, energetic and need some outlet to express themselves. They want to hear from friends and be heard, which is possible only in a campus atmosphere. The parents and the generation of parents should understand and create an atmosphere for them to express,” she said.

She also warned against too much screen-time engagement and its psychological impact. “This is human nature to interact with a human. You cannot get the same level online even though you are talking to your best friend,” she said.

She called for understanding for the current day students.

Aditi, a Grade 10 student, is upset over her parents’ and relatives’ understanding that she got promoted to Grade 11 without writing her exams.

“Not our fault; we are put in a situation. With my level of preparation, I bet I would have fared well had the proper examination happened. I do not react, but feel bad for the general understanding that the ‘Covid Batch’ passed without writing any test,” she said.

A senior faculty member of the Mass Communication Department, University of Technology and Applied Sciences (UTAS), also felt that students could not attend college classes.

“Even we miss our students. All the students are not at the same level. Some are smart, some are shy but intelligent, and some need some push to do well. In the current online mode it is not possible to give the same attention that we used to give during pre-corona days,” he said and added that this was a situation forced upon everyone.

He also mentioned that the ‘Covid Batch’ should not be misunderstood for online learning. “I see the students have learned many new skills. Their research abilities have increased, and they know many other resources other than the course materials that they were provided earlier.”

“I am sure the effort being made by the education authorities, teachers, students and parents will not go in vain; this ‘Covid Batch’ would emerge as a ‘Smart Batch’ for their global reach and global understanding,” he said.

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