Monday, June 17, 2024 | Dhu al-hijjah 10, 1445 H
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Eid marked with masks and prayers


Muslims across the world celebrated Eid al Fitr with masks and prayers, as conflicts and coronavirus restrictions cast shadows over the festival’s mass gatherings and family reunions.

Many Covid-hit countries, including Pakistan, India, Malaysia and Indonesia imposed curbs, shut shops and even some mosques — though the numbers out praying were higher than in 2020 when lockdowns all but cancelled events.

“(We are) very lucky that we can pray together this year, when we couldn’t do it last year,” said Tri Haryati Ningsih, 53, at the Dian Al Mahri mosque in the Indonesian city of Depok, south of the capital Jakarta.

“Hopefully, the coronavirus will pass quickly and we can always worship together,” she added.

In a typical year, millions would travel to their hometowns to celebrate the end of the fasting month of Ramadhan with their families, and crowd into markets and malls sharing greetings and sweets.

In Depok, the faithful wore masks as they arrived and sanitised their hands before going in.

At the entrance, a poster outlining six steps recommended by the World Health Organisation to prevent the spread of COVID-19 served as a reminder of the danger.

Many Muslims also marked Eid under the shadow of conflict, past and present. In Gaza the usual excitement of Eid turned to mourning for some after a heavy night of Israeli air strikes during the fiercest flare-up in years. Medics have put the death toll in the enclave at 83 so far this week.

“Every year, we would dress up and make visits. This year we will not go anywhere,” said 20-year-old Basma al Farra in Khan Younis refugee camp.

In the Iraqi city of Mosul, which was badly damaged in the long war between Iraqi forces and the IS militant group that ended in 2017, worshippers gathered in the historic but largely ruined 7th century Al Masfi mosque.

Eid prayers were held there for the first time since parts of it were reduced to rubble. — Reuters

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