Sunday, June 16, 2024 | Dhu al-hijjah 9, 1445 H
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His Majesty greeted by dignitaries on Eid al Fitr


MUSCAT: His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik on Tuesday received greetings on the occasion of Eid al Fitr from His Highness Sayyid Shihab bin Tarik al Said, Deputy Prime Minister for Defence Affairs,

Shaikh Abdul Malik bin Abdullah al Khalili, Chairman of the State Council, Khalid bin Hilal al Maawali, Chairman of Majlis Ash’shura, Sayyid Khalid bin Hilal al Busaidy, Minister of the Diwan of Royal Court, Gen Sultan Mohammed al Nu’amani, Minister of Royal Office, Head of Office of the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, Lt Gen Hasan bin Mohsin al Shraiqi, Inspector General of Police and Customs, and Gen Said bin Ali al Hilali, Head of the Internal Security Service.

GREETINGS FROM Deputy Prime Minister for Defence Affairs

His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik on Tuesday received greetings on the occasion of Eid al Fitr from His Highness Sayyid Shihab bin Tarik bin Taimour al Said, Deputy Prime Minister for Defence Affairs, reading as follows:

“Upon the conclusion of Ramadhan, month of Holy Quran, good deeds and forgiveness and, in an aura of devotion and faith, we approach Eid al Fitr with the will of the Almighty Allah, delighted that we have accomplished the worship of fasting.

Your Majesty,

On this auspicious occasion, I would like to express my own greetings and the greetings of all personnel of Your Majesty’s Armed Forces, along with sentiments of allegiance. We all wish that this Eid dawns with plentiful blessings on Your Majesty, the Arab world and the Islamic nation. We hope Oman will continue to enjoy further progress under Your Majesty’s wise leadership.

Your Majesty,

The fasting of Ramadhan has been ordained by the Almighty Allah as a form of mercy, since it elevates the soul and orients it towards good deeds. On this blissful occasion, we wish that Your Majesty’s benign endeavours will meet with success and keep Oman as an oasis of security, peace and contentment.

Your Majesty,

the Supreme Commander Your Armed Forces derive from Eid al Fitr meanings of reward and look forward to exerting more efforts within the nation building march, armed with dedication to work in all arenas of national action and vowing to defend the homeland and safeguard its gains.

Your Majesty,

the Supreme Commander All personnel of the Armed Forces would like to take this opportunity to renew the pledge of allegiance and dedication, their slogan being “Faith in Allah, Allegiance to the Sultan and Defence of the homeland”. May the Almighty Allah grant Your Majesty a long life, good health and happiness, and may He assist Your Majesty with success to lead the Sultanate and make it an oasis of bounties during Your Majesty’s prosperous reign.

Greetings from State Council Chairman

His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik on Tuesday received greetings on the occasion of Eid al Fitr from Shaikh Abdulmalik bin Abdullah bin Ali al Khalili, Chairman of the State Council, reading as follows:

Your Majesty, Sultan Haitham Bin Tarik, peace be upon you.

I am honoured, and so are members of the State Council and its Secretariat-General, to express the most heartfelt wishes and sincere greetings to Your Majesty on the occasion of Eid al Fitr, hoping that this occasion will find Your Majesty in full health and happiness this Eid and for many years in future. We wish Omani loyal people and the Arab and Islamic nation harmony and peace.

Your Majesty,

Eid denotes human beings’ return to everyday practices prior to Ramadan after a month of fasting aimed to accustom people to refraining from anything that might be harmful in life like hate or intrigues. Muslims are told by the Almighty Allah to adhere to a life of piety and righteousness after Ramadan and thus benefit the worship of fasting, which include having mercy on each other.

Your Majesty,

We pray to the Almighty Allah that the nation returns to its previous harmony and collaboration in good deeds and reject anything vile, notably to return to the values of reconciliation and compassion.

In this context and under such circumstances, we would like to express our appreciation for the benign efforts undertaken by Your Majesty as Your Majesty takes the torch forward in pursuance of the mission of renaissance espoused by the Sultanate, since the time of the late His Majesty Sultan Qaboos. Your loyal people are content and proud of your wise policies.

We wish Your Majesty a Happy Eid al Fitr.


His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik on Tuesday received greetings on the occasion of Eid al Fitr from Sayyid Khalid bin Hilal al Busaidy, Minister of the Diwan of Royal Court, reading as follows:

Your Majesty, May the Almighty Allah protect you.

Upon the advent of Eid al Fitr 1442 AH, with Muslims all over the world rejoicing, I am honoured, and so are the personnel of the Diwan of Royal Court, to express our most heartfelt greetings, wishing Your Majesty continued good health, happiness and a long life. We extend our wishes of peace, progress and prosperity to the people of Oman, the Arab world and the Islamic nation.

Your Majesty,

As such happy occasions continue to unfold in our dear homeland, where we live in peace and security, we express our gratitude to the Almighty Allah and to Your Majesty for establishing solid foundations for rebuilding, so that the Renewed Renaissance could yield the desired fruits at a time Oman and the whole world continue to grapple with modest economic and health outlooks.

Your Majesty,

As loyal citizens and the employees of the Diwan of Royal Court reiterate their allegiance to Your Majesty — their hearts and minds filled with faith in the Almighty Allah, as well as love and devotion to their homeland and their Sultan. By mastering the tasks entrusted to them, they express their gratitude to the Almighty Allah and their dedication to their country’s service.

Happy Eid al Fitr, Your Majesty.


His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik on Tuesday received greetings on the occasion of Eid al Fitr from General Sultan bin Mohammed al Numani, Minister of the Royal Office, Head of Office of the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, reading as follows:

Your Majesty the Sultan, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces,

Peace be upon Your Majesty and Your noble people and homeland.

On the occasion of Eid al Fitr and, as the nation relishes the riches bestowed by the Almighty Allah, Your Majesty’s people express gratitude and allegiance under Your Majesty’s wise leadership.

Your Majesty, the Supreme Commander,

I am honoured to express the best wishes, on my own behalf and on behalf of personnel of Your Majesty’s lofty office and Your Majesty’s faithful Guard, as well as Your Majesty’s Special Force. We all pray to the Almighty Allah to grant you continued good health, to protect Your Majesty and assist you with success to lead Oman towards wider horizons of progress and prosperity.

Your Majesty, the Supreme Commander

Eids in our great religion are seasons of thanksgiving and occasions for the faithful to express gratitude to the Creator. They are moments of solidarity in faith. In their Eids, Omanis adhere to the values and principles preached by their religion and guaranteed by their secure, dear homeland. They take this opportunity to reiterate the pledge of allegiance and sacrifice.

Your Majesty, the Supreme Commander

Coronavirus pandemic weighed heavily on Oman and the rest of the world. May the Almighty Allah relieve Oman and the whole world from its impacts. However, no matter how long it prevails, it is bound to disappear. Yet, it highlighted how people rally confidently around Your Majesty’s leadership, including frontline teams of doctors, medical personnel, officers, cadets, officials, volunteers and other citizens. This collective action constitutes a national saga that merits commendation and proves that great nations are capable of overcoming dilemmas by virtue of their leaderships’ wisdom and by the collaboration of their citizens.

May the Almighty Allah protect Your Majesty and grant you good health, happiness and a long life.

Happy Eid, Your Majesty.

Greetings from Inspector-General of Police, Customs

His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik on Tuesday received greetings on the occasion of Eid al Fitr from Lt Gen Hassan bin Mohsin bin Salim al Shraiqi, Inspector General of Police and Customs, reading as follows:

Your Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik, the Supreme Commander,

On the occasion of Eid al Fitr, I am honoured, and so are the personnel of the Royal Oman Police (ROP), to express the most sincere greetings and best wishes to Your Majesty, wishing Your Majesty and the people of Oman many happy comebacks of the event.

Your Majesty,

The noble people of Oman celebrate Eid al Fitr after performing fasting through the holy month of Ramadan in a climate of peace and tranquillity, despite the pandemic whose negative impacts prevailed in the whole world. They greatly prize the efforts Your Majesty has exerted to contain the pandemic, alleviate its impacts and provide suitable conditions for life. May the Almighty Allah reward Your Majesty incalculably!

Your Majesty,

Your loyal police personnel, as they join their society’s celebrations of Eid al Fitr, are more delighted to perform their duty in serving the population by extending and enforcing precautionary measures necessary for public protection against the impacts of the pandemic. We pray to the Almighty Allah to eliminate this pandemic and spare the people of Oman all harms.

Happy Eid al Fitr, Your Majesty.


His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik has received a cable of greetings from Gen Said bin Ali al Hilali, Head of the Internal Security Service (ISS), on the occasion of Eid al Fitr, reading as follows:

Your Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik, as our dear country celebrates alongside the rest of the Arab and Islamic countries the advent of the blessed Eid al Fitr, I would like to extend to Your Majesty the sincerest greeting phrases from your soldiers the ISS affiliates, praying to Almighty Allah to bestow His blessings upon Your Majesty for many years to come.

The diligent and incessant work that Your Majesty have chosen as a title for this blessed age heralds a brighter future and a stronger more progressive country. It is with Allah’s blessing and under your wise leadership that Oman is moving on the paths of success and good.

Thanks to Allah that He had chosen Your Majesty as Sultan of wisdom and leader of the march fixing its pillars and renewing its blessed Renaissance. — ONA

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