
Spotlight: Detect disability among children early for better treatment

Developmental disabilities among children can be diagnosed even during pregnancy. The experiences and studies of developed countries reveal that disability diagnosis should not be limited to one stage but rather to all stages of pregnancy, childbirth and early childhood. The prevention of physical factors causing disability depends on measures such as pre-pregnancy care, care during childbirth and for newborns, besides vaccinations. Environmental and social factors include measures such as reducing injuries, developing effective maternal and parenting skills, combating poverty and malnutrition, modifying lifestyles and encouraging healthy behaviour. Child disability represents a set of challenges to the family and society, as rehabilitation must ensure that disability does not isolate the child from his community. Therefore, institutions for people with special needs have designed policies towards the principle of preventing disability. Many bodies, including the World Health Organization, have adopted procedures aimed at preventing or reducing the occurrence of defects or deficiencies in physiological or psychological functions, and to limit the negative effects of disability, in order to allow the individual to achieve the maximum possible degree of continuous interaction with the society. Dr Nadia al Ajmi, Director of Al Aman Centre for Rehabilitation, said that the first years of a child’s life are considered critical. “This has been confirmed by a large number of scientific studies and researches. At this point, the child, in his first three years of his life, is more sensitive to the experiences and things around him. Therefore, the provision of diagnostic services and early detection for children with developmental delays or children with disabilities would work to develop their various skills and reduce the gap in growth among peers.” According to Rawhi Abdat, psychologist and educational specialist, spreading social awareness is one of the most important tools for preventing disability. “Tens of thousands of disability cases that we were able to prevent are still occurring annually in the Arab countries. People in our societies do not know about disability and ways to prevent it. Or that their knowledge does not translate into practical steps. In both cases, educational and awareness programmes can have an important impact.” The school is considered the best place for spreading awareness about ways to prevent disability among the present and future generations as well, in addition to nurseries, kindergartens and maternal and child care centres.