
World’s 10 happiest, saddest countries

The following are the top 10 countries in terms of happiness and the 10 most unhappy as listed by the United Nations in the World Happiness Report 2017. The use of happiness has gained ground in the UN as it is viewed to be “the proper measure of social progress and the goal of public policy.” The report combines six factors for its rating: GDP per capita,healthy years of life expectancy, social support (having someone to rely on during hard times), absence of corruption in government and business), social freedom, and generosity (measured by recent donations). The 10 most happy: 1. Norway 2. Denmark 3. Iceland 4. Switzerland 5. Finland 6. The Netherlands 7. Canada 8. New Zealand 9. Australia 10. Sweden The 10 most unhappy: 146. Yemen 147. South Sudan 148. Liberia 149. Guinea 150. Togo 151. Rwanda 152. Syria 153. Tanzania 154. Burundi 155. Central African Republic Report by dpa