
Bonding over Painting

Many home makers who took part for the first time felt ‘PAINT OUT’ was unique since they were not bound by hard and fast rule   [gallery columns='6' link='file' ids='357187,357180,357178,357177,357165,357167'] Liju Cherian - MUSCAT, MARch 24 - IT was a beachside gathering with a difference. People walking, jogging and enjoying the evening were in for a surprise. A group of women from various walks of life had huddled together with canvas, colours and palettes. Their mission: to paint. No topic was given but they were asked to draw what comes to their mind. The only requirement was to feel comfortable, have a good time and enjoy the cool breeze from the spring. All were amateurs in art and but professionals like dentist, architects, bakers, and homemakers. Noted painter, author and orator, Sushmita Gupta, set the ball rolling with an informal chat that made the women comfortable. When they began to work on the canvas, the participants let go and expressed their feelings. The canvas was mostly related to landscape art and nature. Aided with little help from the ‘inspirer’ who has the idea to bring out the best, they drew landscapes and soon there was a myriad of colours on the canvas. Manju Kharthik, the chief co-ordinator who organised the ‘paint out’ rendezvous, says: “Each artwork was unique and vibrant which ultimately was a fulfilling experience for the participants mainly ladies. It was a welcome break from the everyday chores. Everyone took back their wonderful creations with a proud feeling of having made something on their own and express their individual styles.” For Ratna, a dentist, painting is a dream passion which she desires to pursue and experience the joy of self-discovery. She admired Sushmita’s canvas work of the wide-eyed beauties that had a story to tell. “I was filled with joy when I heard there was an event for amateurs. My experience of the first session was nothing less than a kid with a basket full candies and I look forward to more such events,” she admits. For Baneen Saifee, a teacher by profession, it was a beautiful artful evening during which they were able to create a canvas from their own imagination, sharing ideas and life experiences with a talented bunch. “Life is a canvas which we paint with the colours of love,” she adds. The best part was reserved for Rhea, a standard 10 student of American British Academy who said the event was ‘fun and enriching experience.’ The paint out enabled all of them to just relax and take time out of their schedules and help bring out the creativity within themselves. Many home makers who took part for the first time felt the platform was unique since they were not bound by any hard bound rules. Shamina, a homemaker, who was taking part for the first time, said: “We let our creative side take over and each one of us came up with incredible paintings. We also made a number of new friends and I look forward to attending many such sessions.” Sunita Venu Seshan, another first timer to canvas, felt it was a fantastic learning experience to the world of colours. “The highlight was the sheer joy and independence of being imperfect and letting our imagination flow. My queries were encouraged and obliged irrespective of how significant or otherwise it was. Interaction with other members and sharing our art was a wonderful thought.” The excited bunch was oblivious and remained engrossed in their canvas until they put their brushes down for the day. Sushmita capped the event noting the first bunch is always the ones with faith and love. She thanked the participants for encouraging each other, empowering others and bonding over painting. It was a memorable experience for the first time art lovers and an evening well spent. The success of this has spread and they are looking for more such paint out sessions every month.