
e-Link enables easier issuance of birth certificates

By Fahad Al Ghadani — MUSCAT: April 16 - Parents seeking a birth certificate for their newborn child no longer need to shuttle between the Ministry of Health and the Director-General of Civil Status (ROP) for this key document thanks to an e-link now connecting the two organisations. It follows an agreement reached by the Health Ministry with the ROP to streamline procedures for issuing birth certificates. By linking the systems of the two organisations, parents can directly approach the Directorate General of Civil Status with their request for birth certificates. An official source explained: “This e-linkage simplifies the birth certification process.  Earlier, it was necessary for parents to obtain a letter from the hospital where the child was born, and submitted to the Directorate General of Civil Status.  With this new linkage, one of the parents will automatically receive an SMS at the registered phone number specifying the date for the collection of the birth certificate.” The e-linkage has been warmly welcomed by citizens and residents alike. Saud al Salmi, who lives and works in Muscat, said: “This measure will come as a big relief to parents who no longer have to worry about the hassles of obtaining a birth certificate for their newborn.  The father is expected to stay close to the mother of his newborn child, and will not be able to spare any time to shuttle between the hospital and the ROP. Besides, the post-delivery phase can be an anxious time for the couple, so this gesture provides a great deal of convenience and comfort.” Separately, the ROP has revised the fees for issuing birth certificates.  As per a new decision issued yesterday, the fee for new birth certificates is RO 2, while death certificates will be issued free of charge.  However, a fee of RO 1 is payable for a replacement copy of a death certificate.  A replacement copy of a birth certificate will now cost RO 5 compared with the earlier fee of RO 1.