
FIVE Questions

What is the significance of Ramadhan for you? WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? As a non-Muslim expat who has lived in Oman for over 26 years I value the spirituality of Ramadan as a time for reflection and abstinence. There are some similarities with Lent on the Christian calendar. How do you (and your family) celebrate Ramadhan? Do you have a family tradition? We always have at least one office Iftar. We have an international staff, with Oman, the Philippines, Pakistan, India, Russia and Britain represented at these gatherings. Do you help the poor during Ramadhan and how? We should try to help the poor all year round not only during Ramadhan! It’s a good maxim to aim at three acts of kindness every day, even if they are simple things which help individuals. It’s very rewarding if you achieve this goal. Oman is a very generous society and now has many different charities which did not exist when we first arrived in 1990. What’s the most difficult challenge you have to personally overcome during Ramadhan? It’s very hard to restrict water intake during such hot weather. It’s sometimes difficult to work out opening hours during Ramadhan as there are several variations and this information is vital to the smooth operation of a business. What is your fondest memory of Ramadhan? We have been privileged to celebrate Iftar and Eid with Omani friends, with the opportunity to sample and enjoy the special foods prepared at this time of year.