
FIVE Questions

What is the significance of Ramadhan for you? Why is it important? Ramadhan is the tradition that I know from childhood, and our elders taught us of the specialities of this holy month and we follow and inculcate them in our children as well. How do you (and your family) celebrate Ramadhan? Do you have a family tradition? We celebrate Ramadhan with my wife and children in Muscat but we make it a point to be in my village before the weekend to fast with my brother, friends and other relatives. We break fast together and go to Tharaveeh together in my village. What is your fondest memory about Ramadhan growing up? My fondest memory associated with fasting was during my childhood. I was hardly 8 when I first fasted. It was not a complete fasting but broken here and there but I made it a point to fast towards the iftar time for I didn’t want to lose on the delicious dishes that my mom had made. Do you help the poor during Ramadhan and how? Zakah and Sadaqa are part and parcel of my life just as any Muslim would consider. What’s the most difficult challenge you have to personally overcome during Ramadhan? The difficult challenge during this month is I hardly find time for my kids and my family and that’s bothering me. Many activities such as prayers, work, sports and other activities are inevitable during this month and the only relief is that there are weekends which are good for families. Khalid al Khatri, 2nd Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs