
FIVE Questions

Amina Yusra - Blogger - Amina Yusra is a bio-tech graduate, and a prolific blogger whose interest includes writing poetry and books on self-empowerment. A volunteer with many organisations, her motto in life is to be positive, be inspired and live life to the fullest. WHY IS RAMADHAN IMPORTANT FOR YOU? The significance of Ramadhan is four-fold for me. Firstly, it develops and strengthens our power of self-control, so that we resist wrongful desires and poor habits. Through fasting, we refrain from natural human urge and to satisfy one’s appetite, we are exercising our ability of self-restraint, so that we can apply it to everyday life to bring about self-improvement. Secondly, it helps us to attain nearness and closeness to God so that He becomes a reality in our lives. Thirdly, by fasting we voluntarily give up even what is rightfully ours. Lastly, charity and generosity is given prime importance during Ramadhan. We learn to give, and not to take. The deprivation of fasting makes us sympathise with the suffering of others and makes us remember the blessings of life which we normally take for granted. What is the most diFFIcult challenge you have personally overcome during Ramadhan? I don’t believe there are any challenges during Ramadhan and I have not experienced much challenges. It is a month of peace where I can be truly myself. My time is largely devoted to think positively about different aspects of life. For some reason, fasting brings balance between body and the soul. I wish I feel the high spirit and the lightness during Ramadhan throughout the year. Do you help the poor DURING THE HOLY MONTH? Definitely. We have to help the poor by giving money in the form of charity (zakaat) and providing clothes and also feeding the poor or the less fortunate. What constitutes your iftar meal? My iftar meal mainly constitutes dates, fruits, samosas, soup flavoured yogurt, fresh fruit juices and tea. Sometimes this will be home-made lasagne and pudding. What is your fondest memory of Ramadhan growing up? My fondest memory revolves around iftar meals with family and friends. Also shopping and staying awake for prayers till suhoor and time spent with our loved ones.