
Find out your passions and follow them through

She was a trained nurse and physiotherapist but her passion to teach children made her switch career when she returned to Oman in 1977 after her studies in the UK. The switching to another career meant settling down for a lesser salary because her qualifications were different. But that did not stop Raya bint Seif al Riyami to explore teaching. But that was just the beginning because she went on to become one of the earliest Girl Guides in Oman, went on to become an entrepreneur in the tourism sector became a hang-glider and introduced the adventure sport to Oman. She taught tourism, conducted Omani cultural evenings, created a platform for Omani folk dance groups, organised fashion shows for Omani weeks in other countries. Ask her about what she would like to share as the Sultanate is set to celebrate 50th anniversary and she says,” How do I start and where do I finish? There is no finishing as achievements are to continue. But the start is there and it is solid in the ground.” What would she like to convey to the youth? “Unfortunately I have had too many passions and fortunately I did not choose one against the other. I tried to be an all-rounder. In my youth when I was in the UK, I was a scout, a nurse as well as a physiotherapist. What wasn’t I, I did not know. I was hunting to find the true Raya,” she reflected. She would ask herself, “What do you like Raya?” “I could not find the answer, but I found the answer when I got back because I got them all — scout, working for the children with different abilities, young people, tourism etc. I got them all together,” she explained. “I would like to say to the young ones, when they find themselves in the inner most they have to follow it until they know the end of it. I have now found the end of it — Parkinson’s Disease.” But that is not going to stop her. “Yes, it is not going to stop me. It will never stop me. I fight with it daily. I know it is there and I accept it. I am not ashamed of it and it is accepting my presence. So that is my advice to the youth — no matter what, accept the challenge because it does not come for nothing. There is always a reason behind it,” she pointed out. She cherishes her memories and loves going through the newspaper cuttings. Out of all the fields she ventured into, this is the career she found the maximum satisfaction: “The answer is voluntary service. Because I was myself while I fulfilled the role of a volunteer. I was not there because my friend was a volunteer. It was me, Raya bint Seif bin Sultan al Riyami. I have loved everything I did and I never looked down. Anytime you take me to a hospital you will find me becoming a nurse.” Raya’s experience goes on to prove the opportunities the Sultanate had for women from right at the beginning of Oman’s modern renaissance. She proved it with the published articles in the national newspapers — the women she worked with. “There are a lot of beautiful people in these papers here with whom I mingled with for many years,” she said. Pointing at a picture, she explained, “This is Aisha al Riyami. She is the one who introduced me to the activities of Omani Women’s Association.” Memories are rich and she cherishes them daily. She is ready to share them to the next generation, and most important messages from her are follow your passion and no matter what, accept the challenge that is facing you.   Lakshmi Kothaneth @lakshmioman