
Professional training a significant demand, right

Professional training for employees is basically teaching as it develops their skills and enhances knowledge related to their competencies. Its objective is to improve employees capability and productivity as well as improve performance. For that reason, training is a must to maintain, upgrade and update employees’ skills. Employees of different professions require training that is relevant to the work they do as professional development to their skills and abilities. Even if they are talented and competent, employees’ expertise should be updated and developed every now and then. Through training, staff can hone their competencies; they enrich their experiences and knowledge. It is well-known that training builds morals and experience. It is the right of every employee. Usually job training empowers people to discover their potentials and improve their lives. Human resources are the most valuable assets for their employers. Therefore, it is a must to get them in-job training to get the best out of them and give back quality to the business of their organisations. Regardless of their professions, employees need some kind of training. It helps refresh their minds, thoughts and spirits. It also allows them to sharpen their professional skills and get them upgraded. They will look forward for their turns to get trained. Such opportunities will be highly appreciated by employees even if it happens occasionally. His Majesty accorded personal attention to human resource development in all walks of life. He called upon all government and private bodies to spare special and serious dedication to this matter. As he said, “As long as society succeeds in raising, developing, qualifying, training, enhancing skills and diversifying the experience of its human resources, success is guarantee in building a modern state with progress in all aspects of life.” Today, we can notice many private and government establishments in the Sultanate are very concerned about training and developing their employees. They accord high importance to employees’ development in their annual fiscal plans and budgeting. They get the training plans and strategies prepared, approved and ready for implementation once the year kicks off. It is good planning indeed to get this budget spent to serve the professional needs and requirements of employees. If plans and budgets are very well worked out, it will be really encouraging and rewarding for the employees. However, in some organisations these plans and strategies will not be used either for the sake of cost-cutting or because of the carelessness of the people in charge of training. Accordingly, employees are deprived of their essential right to get trained and developed. Therefore, they will miss the training opportunity that will help them develop their skills, abilities and competencies. As a matter of fact, development of human resources is a promising investment and not an expense. It is strategic like all other planned changes. Strategic thinkers don’t put the training budget on the list of discretionary spending. When organisational strategy is discussed, smart thinkers always give training director a seat at the table. Dear bosses, just remember that investing in people proves they have a future with the organisation. If planning to build a team of loyal, fully engaged and high achievers, hire the right people then invest in their development regularly. At all times, training is of high significance to people as they need maintenance and upgrade even more than machines. Training is an upgrade while retraining is maintenance. Abdulaziz Al Jahdhami aljahdhami22@gmail.com