
Quick fix cleaning tips

Cleaning is such a chore! Without tips that simplify how you do things, they can really be a drag and tiring. I have rounded up some of my favourite cleaning tips to help you keep your home extra clean and pristine. Some of these are so easy and simple to do and will literally take no time at all. 1. Cleaning cloths and sponges really do harbour germs. My tip is to pop them in the microwave for 2 minutes to kill all those nasty germs. This is something your mother tells you, and you pass it down. 2. Use salt to clean the iron plate on your iron. Pour some salt onto a tea towel or old cloth and iron over this, without the steam option, this will help release any sticky patches or dirt. 3. The best way to clean your windows is the old fashioned way with a newspaper and white wine vinegar. It really does work – and works for mirrors too. 4. Does the hair of your pets stick on your clothes? Pop on your rubber cleaning gloves and dampen it to pick up stray pet hair. This works well especially if you put that dress on that shows up everything, and you can’t bang out the bits – this is a perfect solution for those kind of moments. 5. Put the kids plastic toys in the dishwasher to get them germ free. You can even put then in the microwave steamer too. 6. Remove hard water stains with lemons. Cut a lemon in half, give the stain a good rub, leave for a while and then rinse with warm water. 7. Never leave your toothbrush near the toilet. As when flushed, the germs will jump up and can land on your brush! Keep it as far away as you can. Toothbrushes are full of bacteria from daily usage, so to keep them clean, you can wash them with mouthwash or add a few drops of white wine vinegar to a glass and sit your toothbrush in it for around 15 minutes. White wine vinegar is a natural cleaner. 8. When cleaning your make up brushes get a bowl and add boiling water and a small squirt of your shampoo, and then let them swirl around for a while. You don’t want all the bacteria being spread all over your face so try and make this a weekly job. 9. To get your bath towels nice and fluffy. Put a big heaped spoonful of baking powder into the washing machine tray or drum and then put on a hot wash. This will help bring your towels back to life and will keep them nice and fluffy. I hope you found these home quick fix tips useful. I mean who wants to spend lots of time cleaning, when there’s exciting things to do and see out there! Wondering how you can keep clean when out and about? You don’t have to be OCD to be clean. It’s a good idea to have a pack of wipes in your handbag – so whenever you’re out, whether at a coffee shop – you can wipe the table down if it’s dirty, or if you spill something, you can wipe your hands – it’s handy. Mini toiletries are always handy in the handbag too – whether that be mouthwash spray to freshen up when meeting someone out of the blue, or if it’s to smell nice. Quick fixes and tips are the way forward to an easier cleaning home and lifestyle. Sayeh Woodman sayehwoodman@outlook.com