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Avoid visiting tourist spots, gatherings

In view of the ongoing precautions against COVID-19, both citizens and residents have been advised not to visit tourist spots, beaches and other places of interest during the long holidays. They should also avoid gatherings at roadside lawns, homes and other places and cooperate with the authorities to fully bring the pandemic under control, according to the earlier instructions issued by the Supreme Committee tasked with tackling developments resulting from coronavirus (COVID-19). “The earlier instructions of the Supreme Committee on gatherings and visit to places of interest stands valid and both citizens and residents should abide by the COVID-19 protocols’’, a senior official from the Royal Oman Police (ROP) has said. Holiday makers are asked to spend their holidays within the prescribed precautions and not to break the rules brought in by the authorities. They are requested to continue to take caution while going out, shopping or travelling. “Gatherings are still not allowed in accordance with the Supreme Committee decision and beaches and parks are closed as of now’’, the official further said. “The authorities have reminded us of strict social distancing as all-round precaution is the norm to prevent the second wave like what has happened in many European countries’’, Dr Benny Panakkal, Medical Director, Badr al Samaa Group of Hospitals, said. The advice against the COVID-19 and measures of precaution are widespread in the media in various languages and everyone needs to use his or her conscience in doing what is right and refraining from doing what is wrong.