
State Council visit helps students on Shura process

MUSCAT: Students from Hafs bin Rashid School visited the State Council on Tuesday to gain awareness about the role of the Council, its powers and mechanisms. Abdullah bin Saif Mohamed Al Sibani, Director of the Culture, Information and Tourism Committee, in his presentation highlighted the Council’s role and powers and outlined the stages of the Shura process in the Sultanate. He also detailed the tasks and responsibilities assigned to the Council. During the visit, the students were briefed about the ‘three powers’ vested in the Council and the stages of the processing of draft law, the differentiation between the State Council and the Majlis Ash’shura regarding the terms of reference, the membership of the members and the vested powers. The students also learned about the organisational structure of the Council and its activities and achievements, stressing that the Council always seeks to activate connections with the local community through lectures, seminars, through its social media platform. The students’ queries were answered at the end of the visit.