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50.8pc youngsters are males in Oman

MUSCAT, OCT 29 - The gender ratio between Oman’s young male and female population is almost reaching a level of numerical equilibrium. According to the latest statistics, the percentage of male Omani youth stood at 50.8 per cent, against 49.2 per cent of females. In 2015, the difference remained at 51 per cent of male Omani youth to 49 per cent of females. At the same time, the ratio of the total population stood at 1,439 males per 1,000 females — higher than global ratio of approximately 1,016 males to 1,000 females as of 2016. Of the total population in Oman, males accounted for 69.1 per cent of the total youth compared to 30.9 per cent for females. Data from the National Centre for Statistics and Information (NCSI) show that youth in the age group of 18 to 29 forms 27.6 per cent of the total population, while it was 30 per cent in 2015. Job-seekers in the age group between 24 and 35 reached 42,077 youngsters till the end of September this year, of which 17,690 were university graduates. During 2017 Oman population is projected to increase by 426,065 people and reach 5,545,810 in the beginning of 2018. “The natural increase is expected to be positive, as the number of births will exceed the number of deaths by 92,463,” says a report in Country meters’ website. Oman’s population density is 16.5 people per square kilometre as of October 2017. Density of population is calculated as permanently settled population of Oman divided by total area of the country. Most of the new students and the youth who study at the governmental and private higher education institutions fall under the age group from 18 to 29 years of age constituting about 92 per cent of the total higher education institutions’ students. The number of young entrepreneurs benefiting from the Al Rafd Fund loans reached 581 men and women out of a total of 1,835 beneficiaries, representing 32 per cent of the total beneficiaries. SAMUEL KUTTY