
Warriors unlikely serving a noble cause

From owning fancy cars and expensive clothes to having fine dining and happy vacations, there are many ways we can spend our hard-earned money. There is absolutely nothing wrong with rewarding ourselves, but what would happen if we reward someone else instead? We could share the joy of rewarding by donating to people who are in need. Always making a living comes by what we get, but we make a life by what we give to others. Charity marks a religious and social obligation to give back to the society. It is true that charity begins at home, but does not end there. Charitable deeds should extend beyond family and relatives. Many people all over the world are in need of charitable donations, including those who are closer in our reach within the society. Probably, getting food twice a day would be more than enough for many of these people! Therefore, one should never hesitate to lend a hand of support to those needy people, so that everyone could have a fair and decent living. Today, with the remarkable emergence of charitable associations spreading all over the country, life of the needy families is getting much better compared to olden days. These charities are sparing no effort to provide all possible support to these families. Their help goes beyond providing daily rations and funding children’s school fee, but extends to building new houses and refurbishing others in some cases. There are hundreds of voluntary warriors working in charitable associations to serve the noble mission of giving. Finding time is never an issue for them; they sacrifice their time during holidays, Eids and special occasions just to be with the people in need, children at homes or patients in hospitals. All what they are after is just to make others happy and share great moments! Helping others by sacrificing time, money or property always creates an improved sense of purpose in life or work and inner satisfaction. If a person performs a deed that continues to benefit others in a good way, s/he will keep collecting rewards for this single charitable act as long as it benefits others. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “When a person dies his works end, except for three: ongoing charity, knowledge that is benefited from and a righteous child who prays for him.” On the other hand, with all efforts made, there are associations that run unhealthy competition with their charitable counterparts, by aiming to serve personal interests or social status. It is really sad to see people managing charities for the sake of serving their self-reputation and desires. They just do their activities based on their moods and self-interests, paying no attention to the needs of families in need within the society. We all agree with Mahatma Gandhi’s saying, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” But things should always be under a proper management in this regard. Practically, forces of charities within the same geographical boundaries or of similar target audience should be joined so that they can achieve their missions and objectives. Charity always intends to serve bringing justice, balance and kindness to society. In this regards, the government bodies concerned should closely monitor and supervise the work process and performance of all charitable associations in the Sultanate. This will help in ensuring that they are professionally managed and sufficiently serving the society. Individual volunteers and charities shall be more responsible and honest when serving society. Dear volunteers, just remember that what you do for yourself dies with you, but what you do for others and the world remains and is everlasting. May the Almighty Allah bless you for all the joyous moments you share with the needy and the suffering; for whatever you give the poor and needy families!   Abdulaziz Al Jahdhami aljahdhami22@gmail.com