
Welcome new year of opportunities

Every New Year is a chance for us to make things better than the past year, to which we are about to bid farewell. For the New Year ahead, each one of us has different plans and goals to chase. Although not all these can be achieved, at least you have them ready. It is always worth chasing a dream and making it come true someday. All our dreams are possible, but it’s a matter of how much we strive to make them possible. It is said success comes only to those who believe in their dreams. Accordingly, the more people believe in their dreams and objectives, the easier they become possible and achievable. Regardless of how challenging our dreams are, we can make them become reality by believing in them and persisting to achieve them. Hellen Keller said: “Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties.” Whether we want them or not, every New Year brings new challenges and opportunities. It’s upon us to decide how to make the most of all these challenges and opportunities that we come across. I believe we all can make a promise and have a dream and work on achieving our dreams and fulfilling our promises regardless of how difficult they are. Let’s start by looking at the lives of all those who have achieved outstanding successes by being committed to their goals and plans. They challenged themselves and proved they could make their dreams possible. There are countless examples of individuals whose efforts and perseverance have brought enlightenment to humanity. Thomas Edison, the inventor of light bulb and other inventions, was very committed to succeed even though he failed at least in 700 different projects. We may have faced similar experiences like Edison. The only difference is that they were committed to achieving their goals and dreams. So we should be self-confident and believe in our dreams and goals. Through our wisdom, hard work, commitment, persistence and God’s will, we can succeed in what we have set out to achieve. The only key question we all need to ask ourselves is where do we stand in setting our goals and what are we doing to achieve them? Today, we have a new book in our life with 365 blank pages to write on. It’s us who decide what to note down or stamp on those pages every single moment we live each day. Just remember that every time you flip a page of this book, you present a space for new ideas and progress in your life. There is always a second chance to change things and make your day or life even better. I assure you that life is full of opportunities, but it’s us who decide when to grab it. Another year with happy and sad memories, success, achievements and disappointments has passed. With every New Year comes greater challenges and obstacles in our life, but it’s part of life. As the New Year is about to kick off, I wish you all courage, hope and faith to overcome all the challenges and hard times that you come across. As the New Year dawns and approaches us with new hope, I wish each and every one of you a wonderful year ahead filled with promises of a brighter tomorrow. Happy New Year each and every one. Wish you all a happy, prosperous and successful year ahead. Abdulaziz Al Jahdhami aljahdhami22@gmail.com