Front Stories

RO 61m deal to finance Duqm fishing harbour

The Sultanate’s government on Thursday signed two agreements worth of RO 81 million with the Saudi Fund for Development. The two agreements, which come within the Program for the Development of GCC States, are related to financing two projects — the development of infrastructure in the Special Economic Zone in Duqm (SEZD) and the construction of fishing harbour in Duqm. The first agreement worth of RO 20 million is related to financing completion of the second part of the main road No 32 from the middle to south Al Duqm City (13 km). The second agreement worth of RO 61 million is relation to financing the fishing harbour in Duqm. The two agreements were signed by Darwish bin Ismaeel al Balushi, Minister Responsible for Financial Affairs, and Yousef bin Ibrahim al Bassam, Deputy Chairman and Managing Director of the Saudi Fund for Development, on behalf of the fund. Al Balushi said, the grant will help in the development of the SEZD infrastructure and increasing the capacity of the fishing harbour in Duqm. — ONA