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Smart Travel

Even as nearly half of travel related transactions are now done online, there are still a section who prefer the traditional way of bookings through travel agencies. According to travel industry reports, around 60 per cent of leisure and 41 per cent of business travellers make their own arrangements online. The reports also reveal that Internet booking has grown by more than 70 per cent over the past five years while at the same time around 50 per cent of online users still prefer a laptop or desktop over a mobile phone due to convenience factor. At the same time, over 60 per cent of same-day or immediate bookings are done over mobile phone. Also priority wise, travellers are spending more on sightseeing, local cuisines and accommodation than on shopping. Travel operators in Oman tell the Observer that the average Oman population, including expatriates, in the age group of 25-50 do most of their transactions online, which include bookings, reviews and travel insurance. At the same time, the seniors prefer to take decisions on advice. “Senior travellers (above 50 years) who visit us at times spend over two hours discussing various aspects of travelling, some of them with very obvious questions, They do not want to have to take risks and want to be insured for all possible eventualities,” said a senior executive at Oman Wings in Muscat. He added that the younger generations too prefer guided tours while travelling with families, groups and destinations in emerging markets with relatively poor record on reviews and ratings due to economic and political instability. This is where tourist destinations in the GCC, especially UAE and Oman score heavily in terms on local hospitality and overall safety issues. “Oman, for example, is known internationally for local hospitality, cleanliness and public safety records,” said Amin, an Egyptian expatriate, who handled holidays for a leading airline. Some countries have more plus points compared with the nearest competitors. In Oman, main challenges include long distance travels and the limited public transport facility. You may not face this issue in Dubai, Doha, Bangkok, Mumbai, but there is a possibility that the newcomers may get lost in the crowd without a guide there,” said Amin. “I will not suggest guided tours to experience a place to its fullest, but it is a must for some countries in Africa and also East Europe. Guided tours have a fixed itinerary and may help you to feel the local flavour,” said Suleiman al Hassani, a frequent foreign holidayer. Vinod Nair - MUSCAT, JAN 26 -