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Students of Fida School, Al Dhahirah, learn working of State Council

MUSCAT: Students from Fida School, Al Dhahirah, visited the State Council to be familiarised with its mechanism of work on Thursday. They viewed a film on State Council to learn about what it does and how it works for people across the Sultanate. The State Council is recognisable as the place where the Sultanate’s honourable Members of the Council, discuss issues and contribute to forming laws. The film informed the students about the Council’s role and powers, outlined the stages of the development process of Shura in the Sultanate, built on the foundations of sound and effective democratic practice. It also highlighted the contribution of the State Council to national action. The students gained information about the organisational structure, activities and achievements of the Council, raised queries, which were answered. The students visited the Council of Oman library and the main meeting hall of the State Council. The State Council places high priority on disseminating accurate information about governance in Oman. To facilitate this, it has in place an awareness-programme for institutions and academic organisations, so that they may gain accurate information first hand by visiting the Council.