
Fingers reveal your personality

Holistic Wellness Would you like to know yours! Read on… It is generally stated that ladies should read the left hand, and gents the right; although true to an extent; I would suggest that you also give importance to the hand that is most used. Each finger and the thumb are connected to the Elements and the influence of Planetary Energy. No two persons have the same shape and size of hands and fingers, and each persons Personality is unique unto themselves! Let us start our readings, which will include the following: Element, Planetary influenced Energy, The Shape, and Colour of the associated finger. The fingers will be referred to as follows: Little Finger, Ring Finger, Middle Finger, Index Finger, and Thumb. Little Finger • Element — Water • Planet influence — Mercury [connected to body part — Forehead] • Colour — Brown • Shape/Size — Communication style. a] Long finger [till the ring finger nail-bed] indicates that the person is a clear thinker, prosperous, and respected. b] Short finger indicates that the person is impatient. Ring Finger • Element — Earth • Planet influence — Sun [connected to body part — Eyes] • Colour — Yellow • Shape/Size — Creativity, self-expression, and a yearning to be in the spotlight. Shorter than the Middle finger by a forth: will be successful in life. Middle Finger • Element — Space [air] • Planet influence — Saturn [connected to body part — Teeth] • Colour — Grey • Shape/Size — Accountability, efficiency, security, growth, and wisdom. Too long: Indecisive and lack energy Index Finger • Element — Air • Planet influence — Jupiter [connected to body part — Nose] • Colour — Orange • Shape/Size — Power, authority, vision, and influence. a] longer than Middle finger: Original thinker; very successful in profession. b] Same length as Middle finger: Intolerant to interference & an independent worker. Thumb • Element — Fire • Planet influence — Mars [connected to body part — Red Blood Cells] • Colour — Red • Shape/Size — Well defined & developed: The Ruler, Loner, Enjoys life to the fullest. Drive to succeed. How can you tell which fingers are strong and which are weak? Planetary shifts are responsible for the energies that affect our daily affairs and health. No planet is permanently stationary in one place, there will always be changes, in Health, Moods, Success, Personal affairs, and so on. You will notice these changes in the shape of your fingers. Weak fingers are bent, crooked, leaning toward another finger, bending forward, or have areas that are damaged in some way. If your finger are straight and tall, it’s strong. What the shape of the fingertips reveal: Round fingertips: You desire harmony and avoid disapproval. Pointed fingertips: You like to put off practical affairs in favour of pursuing the unusual and the mystical. Square or flat fingertips: You strive for precision and loathe vagueness. Spatulate fingertips (broad and flared): You love originality and despise routine. What the spaces between your fingers reveal: Rest your hands naturally on a flat surface, or hold them up comfortably up in the air. If your fingers are widely spread apart, then you are probably independent and open to new experiences. If your fingers are held tightly together, you may be cautious, guarded, and self-contained. If your middle and ring fingers are spread apart, you are not easily influenced by popular opinion. If those two fingers are close together, you tend to bend to societal expectations and rules. Look at the space between your little and ring finger, if it is extremely wide, that’s a sign that you are dodging important conversations and that your relationships at home or at work could be suffering as a result. If the little and ring fingers are an average space apart you are an independent thinker. Your fingers will reveal that ‘Nothing is permanent’ and that ‘Life is never constant’! Dr MaryAnn Roberta observerwellness@gmail.com