
OAPFD to activate PFD/ICV online system

The Omani Authority for Partnership for Development (OAPFD) hosted the second pilot training for partnership for development programme (PFD) online system. The PFD Online system will link the obligated government entities, contractors (obligors) and OAPFD. Selected government entities and companies (contractors) who are obliged to implement the PFD Programme attended the session. The objective of the training session is to test the system and to ensure success of the online project through receiving customers’ feedback in order to refine the system to improve the effectiveness and users’ experience of the system before going live to the wider population. During the session, SSL Company presented the process of applying PFD programme by using PFD/ICV online system to ensure that all requirements are met through feedback from the participants of the pilot. The PFD online system covers the whole PFD process from initiation when contracts are awarded by various government entities to signing of the PFD Agreement to complying with the PFD Regulations process up to PFD project management and local market development including monitoring and reporting. “The electronic application of PFD programme will contribute greatly to facilitating and accelerating the implementation of PFD Programme process, capture PFD contribution for all government entities and it will be a good platform to encourage the contractors and OEMs who are obligors to assess and consider the local industry as part of their internal supply chain to work together in order to develop the local capabilities and capacities. We look forward to launch the project and monitor its positive results towards the development of the national economy,” said Rahma al Riyami, the online Project Manager.