
Shrink your waist

HOLISTIC WELLNESS - DR. MARYANN ROBERTA observerwellness@gmail.com “The little wonder fruit that gives big results – watch those inches reduce, the energy levels soar, and your skin glow with pure good health that comes from within!” Do not get too excited when I tell you that we have a miracle fruit in our midst. It has been around forever, it is a staple food additive for many natives of various Asian countries and is now catching-up in the West in a palatable ‘pill’ and ‘powder’ form [which I, on a personal note am not in favour of]. Getting impatient are you? Well, here it comes... ‘Garcinia Cambogia’ the botanical name. The Asian natives name for ‘a tropical fruit also known as the Malabar tamarind’. ( Oh, you know this one don’t you?!) It is advised to consume the fruit in its natural form. You can buy it off the shelf in the supermarket found in some countries but perhaps not in Europe. It looks like a dry prune or a very dark coloured dry date fruit, is sour and chewy in texture, and is rich in vitamins and micronutrients Now that you understand what it look like, let us understand the effects of this ‘miracle fruit’. How does it work? HCA [Hydroxycitric Acid] are found in certain fruit rinds and flowers. Most of you are familiar with ‘Citric Acid’ — this is similar to that. Ayurveda has long recognized its use as an anti-flatulent, against intestinal gas, and its myriad qualities. We have now established that it is natural and safe. However, every food has a limit, and does not suit all people. So I recommend caution. If you feel uncomfortable or have an adverse reaction while consuming it. Are you over-eating? Do you require energy for exercising? Well, we are on the right track — but, ‘caution’ is the word! As with all you consume. Studies have shown that “the extracts as well as HCA, a main organic acid component of the fruit rind, exhibited anti-obesity activity”. It also regulates the serotonin [the happy hormone] levels related to satiety [feeling of fullness], leading to reduced food intake. HCA may improve weight loss by preventing fat storage and controlling appetite. HCA may increase endurance levels during exercise and stop people feeling exhausted too quickly. How to consume the dehydrated fruit? • Divide one dehydrated fruit into four pieces. • Pour 3 glasses of water into a pan and add one quarter of the dehydrated fruit. • Bring to a boil. • Reduce heat and simmer for ten minutes • Cool and strain the boiled extract. • Divide into 3 glasses. • Drink one glass of the extract, half an hour before a meal, three times a day. REPEAT THIS PROCESS DAILY TILL DESIRED RESULTS ARE OBTAINED. DRINK A MINIMUM OF 8 TO 10 GLASSES OF STILL WATER. [Do not forget your daily walk or regular exercise] Having more of the happy hormone serotonin generally results in less production of the stress hormone cortisol, and cortisol production has been linked with belly fat. This is yet another way Garcinia Cambogia [Malabar tamarind] helps to control weight. Gone are the joint aches, mood depressions, constant tiredness, and the bulky figure ……… This magical little fruit packs a punch! It not only adds flavour to foods; provides vitamins and micronutrients; this little wonder keeps you happy, healthy, and in wonderful shape.