
Spice and herbs and all things nice

HOLISTIC WELLNESS - You like the sound of this, don’t you? We all do. It conjures visions of delicious health and beauty even different flavours and aromas. With the season change, ginger is a welcome sound to the ear — warming, healing and beautifying in its attributes. A tropical plant originating in South East Asia, it has a rich history of over 5000 years and considered a luxury spice by the ancient Indians and Chinese who used its values to heal the body, joints, and multiple other ailments. However, the cherry on the cake was the discovery of its other delicious attributes — flavoring foods and beautifying the skin and body. Have you ever wondered what Ginger (Zingiber officinale) really is – a spice, herb, root, tuber? The fact is, ginger is considered a spice in the modern day. It is a rhizome — a type of plant stem situated either at the soil surface or underground that contains nodes from which roots and shoots originate. A steaming cup of fragrant ginger tea when the throat feels sore or the weather is cold — how comforting can that be?! Other lovely surprises that require a reminder: From cuisines across the globe to revitalising remedies for body and skin, this is its popularity. Ginger Teas, Salads, Indian Curries, Ginger bread, Ales … and so the list goes on. How about sore joints, and fatigued muscles? Can it cure it? Pure ginger juice extract and coconut oil mix can be used to massage into the affected areas or into the entire body. Leave for a few hours before a hot shower. It does wonders in reducing chronic inflammation, joint pain and stiffness, by improving circulation. Repeat on a daily basis till desired results are achieved. Cellulite [dimpled, sagging skin], the bane of those who have undergone rapid weight loss, or just an aging body that is losing muscle mass A mix of grated fresh ginger and coconut oil, briskly massaged into the affected areas of cellulite for 15 to 20 minutes, followed with a hot shower, on a regular basis does wonders for firming the skin and reducing the inches, with its stimulatory action. Ginger is a healthy tool for weight loss. It stimulates the metabolism, helping reduce fat, and muscle pain after exercise, and in inflammatory conditions of rheumatism and arthritis. What of that insistent cough and sore throat? A teaspoon full of fresh ginger juice extract mixed with equal quantities of honey, taken at regular intervals [SOS], not only calm the cough and soothe the throat but encourages the expulsion of an undesirable buildup of mucous. Besides its innumerable medical attributes, it is an indispensable facial beautifier. Ginger contains innumerable antioxidant compounds that slow and protects against aging, it prevents damage from free radicals, improves elasticity, and preserves the firm youthful appearance of the skin. A quick Party ‘pick-me-up’: One teaspoon each of fresh ginger juice, honey and lemon juice, and a few drops of coconut oil, mix together and apply on the face for 20 to 30 minutes, wash off with cool water, pat dry, and admire the smooth glowing reflection. Ginger is indispensable; be it a fragrant drink or meal; to slim those inches, relieve aching joints and tired muscles; or to just look perfectly beautiful! Dr Mary Ann is the director of marketing and development of Al Nahda Hotels and Resorts. She is a 2018 Middle East Women in Leadership Awardee specialising in holistic wellness. She pioneered the said industry in the country. Her clients include the who’s who of the region and the Sultanate. observerwellness@gmail.com