
Defying age, couple on a world tour in camping car


SALALAH, JAN 20 - Sixty-plus may be accepted retirement age for many, but for this young-at-heart couple from Germany, the real fun has really begun after retirement as they have chosen to go around the world, that too in a self-designed camping car. Henry, 67, and his wife Marion, 66, were shopping in a hypermarket when some inquisitive young Omanis caught up with them for a conversation about their tour and visa procedure etc. Both of them were seen explaining enthusiastically about their journey to the Omani gentlemen while taking back some tips for their further journey off Salalah. “We are very busy to meet our tight daily schedule,” said the couple while talking to Observer soon after their conversation with the curious Omanis who wanted to know how challenging was their journey. “It is a mix of challenge and enjoyment for both of us, and here lies the real fun as we overcome our challenges and keep on crossing the boundaries of many countries.” Marion looked at Henry when asked how many countries have they covered so far in the camping car. “More than 20 countries since we first started our journey from the German city of Garmisch”, she said. Tunisia, Algeria, Mali, Mauritania, Jordon, Syria and Morocco, Marion quickly recalled some of their earlier visits. The second leg journey to Greece, Switzerland, Iran and Oman began on October 23, 2018 from Germany and the couple would go back to Garmisch on March 15 this year. “Oman is a very, very nice country, friendly people and fully safe. We are here for the second time because we like the place and we have fun by visiting the places without any anxiety or fear… Yesterday we were in Rub al Khali (Empty Quarter) and that was very interesting. It is a lovely country, I can say,” Marion added. Asked about their budget and journey expenses, Marion said it was not too expensive for them as they sleep in the car, cook food in the kitchen inside the car and need not have to spend on local transport. Henry and Marion are made for each other. Marion’s passion to see the world is driven by Henry, who is a car mechanic by profession and handles the camping car, while Marion has natural skills of managing the tour. Do you have any message to convey through the camping car journey? “Not really. We are just tourists,” said Marion. But their hearty laughter and proud of having two daughters and eight grandchildren state that age is just numbers and retirement is a mindset.