
Expat arrested for selling tobacco to minor in Salalah


Muscat: The Court of First Instance in Salalah has issued a judgment against a defendant accused for trading an unlicensed commodity, violating the Consumer Protection Law. He was sentenced him to imprisonment with a fine imposed. In the first case, he got imprisonment for three months and in the second case, three months jail and fine a RO100.

As per the details, a consumer filed a Salalah filed a complaint that an expatriate worker sold tobacco to non-smoking children in a residential neighborhood in Salalah.

Following an investigation, it was found most of their clients were minor and products included tobacco products (non-smoking). He sold tobacco to minors with the help of an expat worker.

As per the law, any counterfeit, corrupt, counterfeit or unauthorized merchandise is prohibited from being traded.'

The case was referred to the Public Prosecution, which in turn transferred it to the competent court.