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United in the fight against pandemic

“Ignorantia juris non excusat” is a Latin principle in law which indicates that “ignorance of law excuses no one” meaning, the simple excuse ‘I’m unaware of the law’ wouldn’t save anyone from the purview of the law which is implemented and made known. Accordingly, both citizens and residents, as well as people arriving from abroad need to be aware of the current pandemic rules in the country and abide by the tenets of the law in letter and spirit. Dr Khalid Said al Harthy, Head of International Health Regulations and Ports Health Section at the Directorate General for Disease Surveillance and Control belonging to the Ministry of Health, has urged everyone to be united in the ongoing fight against the pandemic and be aware of the rules and regulations. “Follow the rules and regulations starting with the fundamental step of wearing a face mask at all times and safeguard oneself as well as others from the virus. Oman has imposed stricter measures and imposed institutional quarantine, closure of beaches and parks besides instructing commercial establishments to run only 50 per cent of their capacity on Wednesday last. “It’s a collective effort of all people in the country irrespective of their jobs or nationality and we need to follow wearing masks, social distancing and washing hands in order to support the nation in tackling the pandemic united.” The United Nations has earlier called upon everyone to unite in the face of the ongoing pandemic as each of us has a role to play in overcoming this pandemic. “Every single person has a role to play however small or big the role is, besides the frontline warriors who let go their comforts in life for the safety of the mankind as a whole.” It is only through working together that we can emerge from this crisis unscathed, stronger and better connected. The Covid-19 pandemic is a clarion call for everyone to work together by following the precautions and flattening the curve.