
Fresh protests hit Hong Kong

HONG KONG: Protesters in Hong Kong blocked roads and forced workers to leave the justice secretary’s offices on Thursday in the latest unrest to rock the city over an extradition bill that has now been suspended. Millions have thronged the streets in the past three weeks to demand that the bill, which would allow criminal suspects to be sent to mainland China for trial in courts controlled by the Chinese Communist Party, be scrapped altogether. “You know what everybody has deep in their hearts — is that this is about our future and it’s very very personal,” said 53-year-old Brian Kern, who was attending the protests. In sweltering heat of 32 degrees C, some protesters chanted, “Withdraw evil law, release martyrs...Teresa Cheng, come out,” referring to the justice secretary. Others shouted, “Condemn excessive force by police and release protesters.” Police formed a cordon to block the demonstrators and one officer held a banner warning them away. Minor scuffles broke out between pro-democracy group Demosisto and officers. “Fight for Justice”, “Free Hong Kong,” and “Democracy Now” were some of the demands emblazoned on protest banners. — Reuters