
Top tips on caring for your indoor plants

The searing heat of the summer in Oman usually poses a challenge when it comes to getting plants to thrive and grow outdoors. There is, however, the option of growing plants indoors. Research has proved that indoor plants help to reduce stress levels, produce a sense of well-being and are considered one of the easiest and quickest ways of creating a soothing, relaxed atmosphere. Plants are also known to act as natural humidifiers and are a relatively inexpensive way to create a cool green oasis at home. Another big plus point is that indoor plants can significantly improve air quality by releasing oxygen and absorbing carbon dioxide and harmful chemicals such as formaldehyde and volatile organic compounds. It is usually recommended to have one large plant between every four people to feel the benefits. However, in spite of the advantages that they offer, many people often step back from the idea of investing in indoor plants because they believe that it requires a lot of time and effort to maintain. This is not necessarily true. There are a large variety of plants that can thrive with minimal care. If you are unsure of the kind of plants to buy, a great place to start would be at the recently opened Green Homes, located on the first floor of Markaj Al Bahja Mall in Seeb. The shop specializes in indoor plants, has a great collection and is Oman’s first such establishment. “Plants add life to the house, and are in fact, a reflection of a home that is well-lived in and loved,” says Siyad Abdul Hameed, Managing Director, Green Plants. Unlike plants available at local nurseries, those at Green Home come with special planters. The pots have a cavity built into them to ensures that soil does not retain excess water. This eliminates the issue of over-watering which is one of the key reasons for the decay and rot of indoor plants. Also, most of the plants at Green Home come with a small water-level monitoring unit in the pot to indicate when the plant needs to be watered. These small devices take the guesswork out of caring for indoor plants and make it easier to keep them thriving. When choosing plants for indoors, it is best to start with a few hardy varieties, and then build the collection as gardening skills improve. Experts like Mir Khan from Al Mihrab nursery suggest that “the first thing to consider when selecting a houseplant is where you want to place it.” For example, Ivy and Pathos plants grow well in places like bathrooms where there is high humidity. Sansevieria, is another great option as they are hardy and one of the easiest houseplants to maintain. Similarly, the beautiful Spider plant, Dieffenbachia, Dracaena, Peace Lily and Areca palms are relatively low maintenance and need watering only once a week and a misting every now and then. Another great option, especially for those apprehensive of tending to houseplants is Air plants. They are perfect for those who are always busy or travelling as they don’t require much attention. According to Rajesh Mohanan from Green Homes, “air plants do not need soil to grow. All they need to survive is constant air circulation. Air plants need to be watered once in two weeks by placing them in the sink and lightly rinsing each plant. The plants should be left to drain before putting them back. The fuss-free air plants are a great choice when creating dish gardens and terrariums. It is best to keep indoor plants in places where there are sufficient light and ventilation. Sharing tips on how to keep indoor plants healthy, Mir Khan says, “water plants only once or twice a week depending on the condition of the soil. Feed them fortnightly with fertiliser diluted in water. Mist the plants to avoid dust forming on the leaves and lightly spray plants with a foliar fertiliser to give them a shine and keep mites at bay.” When bringing indoor plants home, start by choosing from among those listed above, as they are tough enough to withstand (almost) any neglect. Just try to remember to tend to their low-maintenance needs, and green thumb or not, you can be assured that your indoor plants will stay happy and green. BY MARY OOMMEN