
Over 602,922 tourists visit Salalah

Muscat: 602,922 tourists visited the Salalah Tourism Season at the end of its eighth week, compared to 665,539 during the same period in 2018. 178,869 persons visited Salalah Tourism Season in the eighth week, according to the latest statistics of the National Center for Statistics and Information (NCSI). NCSI Statistics showed that 155,888 visitors (87.2 per cent) reached Salalah by land and 22,981 air by during the eighth week of this season. Compared to the seventh week of the current season, the number of visitors arriving by air increased 38.7 per cent. The number of visitors who reached Salalah by domestic flights increased from 9,800 visitors in the seventh week to 15,132 visitors in the eighth week. The number of visitors by international flights increased from 6,771 visitors in the seventh week to 7,849 visitors in the eighth week. Gulf nationals, including Omanis, accounted for 86.9 per cent of the total number of visitors to Salalah during the eighth week, at 523,801 followed by 51,891 Asians. The number of visitors from other Arab countries touched 21,950 while the number of visitors from Europe was 3,292. Visitors from other countries reached 1,988. The statistics showed that 134,773 (representing 75.3 per cent of the visitors of Salalah Tourism Season during the eighth week) were residents in the Sultanate, compared to 44,069 non-resident visitors.