
Career Guidance Day held at NU’s College of Pharmacy

The College of Pharmacy at the National University of Science and Technology has organised its fourth Career Guidance Day 2019 for the final year BPharm students. Private sector institutions working in medical manufacturing and distribution in the Sultanate participated in the workshop. This annual event aims at recruiting Omani and non-Omani graduating pharmacists for training, internship placements and employment. Such events give a platform for pharmacy students to establish direct communication with the participating institutions. The workshop was led by Dr Jayasekhar, Head of the Pharmacy Department, and Dr Faiza al Hosni, Director of Human Resources, NU. Interactive discussion papers on various fields of work in the pharmaceutical sector were presented on the occasion. All these papers have emphasised the importance of qualifying pharmacy graduates in accordance with the labour market requirements and expectations. Notable participants in this event include the representatives from private and public sector, such as Nestlé Oman, Muscat Pharmacy and Abbott Pharma Oman.